Hi Gert

Gert Vanthienen schrieb:
> Felix,
> You're right about the dependencies obviously: the plugin bundle would
> need to depend on the JAXRS API but the web console itself would
> depend on the API and some implementation like Jersey.  That would be
> the biggest disadvantage in my mind, because at this point in time the
> felix web console is a very lightweight solution that doesn't need any
> dependencies.

That is exactly one of my biggest issues ... In addition it would "lock"
the console into a single presentation technology. There are others like
JSF, Apache Sling, Wicket, etc. These would all be left out of the door.

Honestly, I don't like the idea of adding Jersey to an OSGi framework
just for the sake of the Web Console. This does not sound right.

> On the other hand, this solution would give us some benefits as well.
> The JAXRS bean I mentioned is just a POJO with methods and
> annotations.  This will map the methods to URIs, allowing us to easily
> provide multiple uris from a single plugin.  So we can have methods
> there for serving the main page content but others could handle POSTs
> or serve JSON or XML.

I understand and agree. But you said "*register* a JAX-RS bean". Where
would that bean be registered ?

> As for rendering the reponse, you can still do that using a plain
> PrintWriter as we do in the Servlets now if we want a lightweight
> plugin, but it would also become possible use another kind of view
> technology (e.g. JSP or Lift templates) if people prefer that or to
> serve other kinds of resources (images, css style sheets, ...)

Sure, I completely agree, that supporting other rendering technology (I,
of course have a slight bias towards Apache Sling ;-) ) would be nice.
But this should IMHO be possible without tying the Web Console to all
these technologies.

I opt for keeping the Web Console lightweight defining a simple API for
extensions. To connect with other rendering technology, bridges could be
defined. For example a Jersey bridge, which proxies JAX-RS beans into
the Web Console registering proxy Servlets on behalf of the JAX-RS beans.


> Regards,
> Gert Vanthienen
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA: http://fusesource.com
> Blog: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/
> 2009/6/9 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> Gert Vanthienen schrieb:
>>> L.S.,
>>> How about adding support for using JAX-RS resource beans for extending
>>> the felix web console?  So instead of registering a servlet, you can
>>> register a JAX-RS bean.  One of the methods on the bean can be used to
>>> render the 'main' contents of the web console plugin page, but you can
>>> also add other methods and annotate them with GET/POST for providing
>>> JSON resources or handling form submits.
>>> This will also remove the dependency on the felix web console bundle
>>> for the extension bundle while making it easier to implement multiple
>>> uris/actions without having to override the doGet/doPost methods and
>>> allow us to use some other template engine/language (JSP, Lift, ...)
>>> in the extension bundle without the need for the felix web console to
>>> be aware of those.
>>> The only real drawback I see is the fact that the Felix Web Console
>>> bundle itself would get another dependency, it would need the JAX-RS
>>> API.
>>> Wdyt?
>> What else would be required ?
>> Wouldn't we need an implementation of the API to glue this all together?
>> What do you mean by "register a JAX-RS bean" ?
>> IMHO registering a javax.servlet.Service is very appropriate in the OSGi
>> context.
>> Regards
>> Felix
>>> Gert Vanthienen
>>> ------------------------
>>> Open Source SOA: http://fusesource.com
>>> Blog: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/
>>> 2009/6/9 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Moloney, Tim M schrieb:
>>>>> I quickly discovered that things are not what they appeared.  I didn't
>>>>> investigate how the core plugins are loaded but the features plugin
>>>>> appears to be loaded via Spring.  Loading plugins this way doesn't use
>>>>> AbstractWebConsolePlugin as it is "advertised" and many things just
>>>>> don't work (activate() and deactivate() are never called,
>>>>> getBundleContext() returns null, etc).  It looks like a lot of the
>>>>> webconsole infrastructure is hidden in
>>>>> org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal so to get a plugin working with any
>>>>> reasonable functionality would require duplicating a lot of those
>>>>> classes.
>>>> That *is* a problem currently -- and lacking documentation on how to
>>>> extend the web console.
>>>> Currently you have to basically extend the AbstractWebConsolePlugin
>>>> abstract class and implement the renderContent, getLabel, and getTitle
>>>> methods. This method is called to render the "inner contents" of a page.
>>>> The navigation, header and footer are rendered by the
>>>> AbstractWebConsolePlugin itself.
>>>> The class you so created must be registered as a OSGi service with the
>>>> interface javax.servlet.Servlet. For the web console to pick up this
>>>> Servlet service as service property named "felix.webconsole.label" must
>>>> be set to a single, non-empty string providing the URL path segment of
>>>> the plugin page.
>>>> That's all.
>>>> If you want to handle updates (POST requests, that is), you implement
>>>> the doPost method. You may also overwrite the doGet method if you want
>>>> to add to or replace the standard GET method handling.
>>>> Plugin Initialization: You have to initialize the plugin yourself by
>>>> calling the activate(BundleContext) method before registering the plugin
>>>> as a service. At the end you should call the deactivate() method to
>>>> cleanup the plugin.
>>>> For example, if you use Declarative services just call the
>>>> activate(BundleContext) from your component's activate(ComponentContext)
>>>> method and likewise the deactivate from the component's
>>>> deactivate(ComponentContext) method.
>>>> This way of extending the console is not super-great (though it works
>>>> great once you get around the corners). For instance it creates a
>>>> dependency on the Web Console bundle importing the o.a.f.webconsole
>>>> package. Also the initialization is not properly defined. So I am
>>>> thinking along the lines of supporting plain servlets (anyhting
>>>> implementing javax.servlet.Servlet) and providing easier integraiton 
>>>> points.
>>>> I am going to update the web console documentation page [1] with some
>>>> more information here ....
>>>>> Perhaps I missed the proper way to initialize a webconsole plugin and
>>>>> get at the utility methods.  If not, I would suggest refactoring the
>>>>> infrastructure of webconsole so that extending AbstractWebConsolePlugin
>>>>> does work as expected.
>>>> How do you define "work as expected" ?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Felix
>>>> [1] http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-web-console.html
>>>>> Tim Moloney             The  reasonable  man adapts  himself  to
>>>>> MRSL                    the world; the unreasonable one persists
>>>>> 2015 Cattlemen Road     in trying to adapt the world to himself.
>>>>> Sarasota, FL  34232     Therefore  all progress  depends on  the
>>>>> (941) 377-6775 x208     unreasonable man.    George Bernard Shaw
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Marcin Wilkos [mailto:marcin.wil...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 17:32
>>>>>> To: dev@felix.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: Google Summer of Code
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm Marcin Wilkos. Like Gert Vanthienen wrote before I'm working on
>>>>>> webconsole for Karaf and ServiceMix as GSoC project. I'll be
>>>>>> sending weekly
>>>>>> reports to this list.
>>>>>> In last week I focused on first extension for felix web
>>>>>> console, which lists
>>>>>> Karaf features. I created JIRA issue for this and uploaded a
>>>>>> patch. Gert
>>>>>> checked it and uploaded to svn.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Marcin Wilkos

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