Felix Meschberger [mailto:fmesc...@gmail.com] wrote

> Moloney, Tim M schrieb:
>> Thanks for the pointer to Sling's JSON bundle.  I currently 
>> do use a modified version of Sling's JSON bundle (version 
>> 2.0.2-incubator).  The stock version requires JCR which we 
>> don't need, so I just remove 
>> src/main/java/org/apache/sling/commons/json/jcr/JsonItemWriter
>> .java and 
>> src/test/java/org/apache/sling/commons/json/jcr/JsonItemWriter
>> Test.java then rebuild.
> Good point. Maybe it would be good for the Sling JSON bundle to import
> the JCR dependency either dynamically or optionally. WDYT ?

Sure.  If you can have the optional/dynamic dependency that would
provide for general resuse and satisfy Sling's current needs.

Tim Moloney             The  reasonable  man adapts  himself  to
MRSL                    the world; the unreasonable one persists
2015 Cattlemen Road     in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Sarasota, FL  34232     Therefore  all progress  depends on  the
(941) 377-6775 x208     unreasonable man.    George Bernard Shaw

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