On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Guillaume Nodet<gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Right, I think it makes sense to define the grammar.
> But the grammar just defines ... well, the syntax, not the semantics.
> I think most of the discussion is about what semantic to apply on the
> grammar.

Hmmm but having agreed on a syntax doesn't that mean we then have a
set of tokens to which we can apply semantics? At the risk of
reopening the a,b,c debate...

a b
a ; b
a = b
a | b
a {b}
a <b>
"a b"
a = $b
a = {b}
a = <b>
$a b

Generate a variety of different tokens and it is the tokens to which
we apply semantics? Also the expected result of each of these varies
depending on whether a or b is assigned to be a command or an object
and also whether it does IO, is a value or returns a value.

I think if we focus on one part of the problem and tweek the parsing
code to fix this we are highly likely to generate some other
unexpected behaviour. Where as if we define a parser that can generate
a set of tokens via a grammar the runtime only has to define the
actions it applies to the tokens?

Though it still remains to be seen if a grammar is possible so perhaps
this is a moot point till one is available - hopefully the above
illustrates the concern though?

> For commands, imnsho, I think we should discuss and encourage the use of
> what I committed in
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/gogo/commands/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/gogo/commands/
> Those are much more powerfull than a simple method on an object, because
> they allow:
>   * help on the command
>   * automatic parsing / conversion of arguments
>   * variable number of arguments
>   * command line switches

Certainly I think those classes look very useful and wrapper classes
and utilities are great in real world scenarios to avoid code
duplication. But I don't think we should ignore the OO case. Being
able to call things like String.indexOf and startsWith type methods in
a shell without having to generate minutae wrapper commands to achieve
things the vm already provides us with helps in the DRY aspect of
software engineering.

> We have a bunch of commands defined in Karaf that are not specific to Karaf,
> so it would make sense to move them in a command ground.
> You can find some of them at:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/karaf/gshell/gshell-osgi/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/karaf/gshell/osgi/
> The only problem is that those are slightly tied to blueprint atm.

In terms of this level of the debate I'm not sure we need "real"
commands only to agree on a set of representative commands - so we
know exactly what echo does, for example. If those representative
commands are also useful that's obviously a bonus, but at least if
we're agreed on what the various types of commands and tokens are,
then we should be able to agree (or not) how to treat them in a shell
environment - avoids the potential for circular debates. Finally we
should certainly implement these representative commands, to allow us
to create meaningful tests.

Again just some thoughts...



> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 16:54, David Savage <dave.sav...@paremus.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Seems like a good time to wade into the discussion ;) it seems like it
>> could be beneficial to start looking at the TSL syntax from the point
>> of view of a formal grammar specification such as ANTLR? Currently
>> most of the tests are via unit tests and the parsing is done by custom
>> java code. The danger is that without a formal grammar specification
>> we may "fix" one part of the parser to handle one use case only to
>> expose a secondary problem. Unit tests are certainly one way to catch
>> this but they can only be as good as the number of tests we define,
>> where as I believe a logically consistent grammar is a test in itself?
>> Of course this may also be a fools errand (firstly as I have no
>> experience with antlr grammars) and looking at this link (which I came
>> at by searching for "bash antlr grammar" in google) it may not even be
>> possible - though the post is very old:
>> http://www.antlr.org/pipermail/antlr-interest/2006-May/016235.html
>> Wondering if there are any language experts following this list who can
>> comment?
>> I'm also wondering if it may make sense to extract the shell that
>> interprets the commands and the runtime that provides the commands. I
>> really like the TSL impl but in the end it's just one possible way of
>> running commands? One of the really nice things about RFC 132 is it
>> provides a common way for developers to add commands in osgi, but how
>> we refer to those commands is a secondary issue, here thinking of the
>> sh,csh,bash type debate...
>> Finally though the echo echo type debate is good for simplifying the
>> problem down in unit tests in email it does depend on how we think
>> echo is defined. Does echo return a value or does it write the result
>> to the stream or both (?!). It seems like it would be useful to define
>> a set of commands for debate that are unambiguous? I guess these could
>> be abstract commands which could go on a wiki or some such? Some
>> examples:
>> nsc -> no such command
>> void -> command that does nothing and returns nothing
>> echo -s hello -> echo "hello" to stream
>> echo -v -> echo "hello" to value
>> echo -sv hello -> echo "hello" to stream and value
>> array a b c -> returns [a,b,c] as an array
>> Others?
>> Just my 2 pence anyway...
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Guillaume Nodet<gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 15:40, Derek Baum <derek.b...@paremus.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> > I disagree with having eval as a command.  The reason is that is has
>> >> > two
>> >> sides effects:
>> >> >  * all parameters are evaluated once more, so that $xxx expansion
>> >> > will be
>> >> > done once again, and it could lead to unwanted results
>> >>
>> >> this is offset by not implicitly evaluating the args - re-evaluation
>> >> only occurs when explicitly invoking eval.
>> >>
>> >> >  * all parameters are converted to strings, which i think is not what
>> >> > is
>> >> expected.
>> >>
>> >> I'm not sure this is a problem. The 3.patch eval is like eval in bash,
>> >> and can be used to re-evaluate a string as a script.
>> >>
>> >> Derek
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > Well, I think this really lead to undesirable effects:
>> >> x = <bundle 0>
>> > ...
>> >> $x toString
>> > org.apache.felix.framework [0]
>> >> eval $x toString
>> >  Command not found *:org.apache.felix.framework
>> >
>> > I think both should be identical.
>> > If you want to evaluate the arguments as a fully new command line, you
>> > could
>> > use quoting
>> >> eval "$x toString"
>> > But the opposite can't be done.
>> > So I still think we should come back to my earlier proposal about making
>> > it
>> > a real keyword instead of a command.
>> >
>> > I think this is independant of wether arguments are re-parsed, though
>> > they
>> > are related.
>> >
>> > I've also spotted another problem, but this looks like a different
>> > problem:
>> >> echo "$x"
>> > java.lang.Exception: Unable to convert from [org.apache.felix.framework
>> > [0]]
>> > to java.util.List<java.lang.String>(error converting collection entry)
>> >
>> > I would have thought it would behave the same as
>> >> echo <$x toString>
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Cheers,
>> > Guillaume Nodet
>> > ------------------------
>> > Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
>> > ------------------------
>> > Open Source SOA
>> > http://fusesource.com
>> >
> --
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet
> ------------------------
> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA
> http://fusesource.com

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