On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Felix Meschberger<fmesc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> In a comment to FELIX-1221 [1] Tim Moloney proposes the definition of a
> well-known configuration property, which may act as kind of an alias for
> the service.pid property automatically generated by the Configuration
> Admin Service upon factory configuration creation.
> Such a property would serve multiple purposes:
>  * Provide a human readable identifaction of a factory
>    configuration (at least more human readable than the generated PID)
>  * Provide an alias for tools match factory configurations to external
>    data for synchronization. Candidates of such tools are:
>            - File Install
>            - Karaf Features
>            - Sling JCR Install (similar to File Install)
>            - Web Console
> Currently each tool uses its own approach and its own name. Having a
> common name would simplify things probably and would allow the Web
> Console to better identify configurations etc.

Yes, if I understand correctly, it is what we have called in File
Install "felix.fileinstall.filename"; in that case, we needed a way to
remember the file generating the configuration dictionary (to retrieve
it later), so we introduced that constant.

What I don't understand is, is there any benefit in having a unified
property name (besides the one you mention for the Web Console)?

Filippo Diotalevi

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