Yes, I can reproduce those steps easily.
Will try to investigate too.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 16:50, Filippo Diotalevi
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Guillaume Nodet <> wrote:
>> Yeah, it is supposed to work and was indeed working afaik.
>> I fail to see why it would work in fileinstall and not in karaf though ...
> I spent a few hours today on this issue without any success (using 
> Karaf-1.0.0)
> To me, the bug is easily reproducible:
> 1) copy a jar in the ./deploy folder
> 2) shutdown karaf
> 3) restart it
> 4) remove the jar from the ./deploy folder
> --> the jar is not uninstalled (you can see it still active typing osgi:list )
> This behavior is not present in a simple Felix+FileInstall
> Additional thing: I do see a log
> "16:36:11,674 | INFO  | nerated-bundles} | fileinstall
>     | ?                                   ? | Uninstalled
> /opt/osgiruntimes/apache-felix-karaf-1.0.0/deploy/"
> but the bundle is not uninstalled.
> Final touch: if I debug step-by-step, the bundle is uninstalled (seems
> related to timing).
> Can anybody verify if the bug can be reproduced in other machines?
> It's so weird...
> --
> Filippo Diotalevi

Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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