+1 for OBR:

   * It's NOTICE file says it includes OSGi code, but it doesn't.
   * The changelog hasn't been updated since 1.4.3.

+1 for bundleplugin:

   * It's NOTICE file also says it includes OSGi code, but it doesn't.
   * NOTICE file copyright year is still 2009.
   * The changelog hasn't been updated.

+1 for Gogo:

   * Commands, console, and runtime should depend on the official OSGi
     JAR files, not the Felix ones.
   * Commands' NOTICE file also says it includes OSGi code, but it doesn't.
   * Commands, console, launcher, and runtime NOTICE file copyright
     year is still 2009.
   * Launcher JAR includes OSGi classes, but only says it uses them.

Clearly, we have some NOTICE file issues and we still need to change the way we deal with NOTICE files. Did we ever come to a conclusion how to handle this? We also apparently need to update our release process to document the inclusion of changelogs and make this consistent across releases.

-> richard

On 4/29/10 14:47, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
I would like to call a vote on the following subproject releases:

fileinstall 2.0.10
gogo 0.4.0
bundlerepository 1.6.2
bundleplugin 2.1.0

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the

sh check_staged_release.sh 034 /tmp/felix-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments)

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