On 5/4/10 10:07, Derek Baum wrote:
I'm interested to see how your experiment develops.

Meanwhile, an alternative approach to writing RFC-147 commands is presented

I'm happy to donate this 500-line Options class to Felix, if there is any

That looks like another valid approach. I am sure that a single approach won't work for everyone, so having multiple approaches might make sense if they apply to different use cases.

-> richard


On 4 May 2010 14:07, Richard S. Hall<he...@ungoverned.org>  wrote:

At this point, I am just trying to get something to work. I had originally
tried to use the approach used in Karaf to make commands, but it didn't feel
completely right to me. I talked with Peter and he said his vision was that
people wouldn't implement commands as Gogo Functions, but just as methods on
an object. So, I then started to think about how to refactor the approach
using methods, but realized it would need to have some help from the Gogo
runtime to make it work. So, that's what this experiment is about.

There probably will be some balancing act between making it usable for
building command-line commands vs keeping it general purpose and UI
independent. We'll see as we go.

->  richard

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