On 5/27/10 20:25, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
FWIW, I've just made a few commits to the framework resolver.   The three
first commits are actually just code cleanup (missing generics annotations,
removing various warnings).   The last one makes the resolver slightly more
generic but does not change the behavior in any way.
Those modifications will allow to reuse this new and shiny resolver inside
OBR :-)

I just went through them all and they looked ok.

When it gets this late in the preparation of a release, it would probably be better to submit patches for consideration rather committing to trunk, since it could complicate the planned released.

-> richard

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 20:49, Richard S. Hall<he...@ungoverned.org>  wrote:

So, we are gearing up to release the 3.0 version of the framework. As part
of this release, we're going to include Gogo as the default shell in the
framework binary distribution. Gogo requires Java 5 or later, but don't
worry, the framework still targets lesser JREs. :-)

I've uploaded a snapshot of the distribution in tar.gz and zip if anyone
wants to play with it:


Word of warning, the "ps" command has been renamed to "lb" (i.e., list
bundles)...type "help" to see available commands.

->  richard

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