On 6/16/10 3:33 AM, Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Hi,
> On 15.06.2010 23:22, Justin Edelson wrote:
>> One thing that might work is to define a synthetic package representing the
>> front-end environment. But this would be versioned independently from the
>> Java package(s) the bundle exports. I'm just not sure how BND behaves when
>> you tell it to include an Export-Package header for a package which doesn't
>> exist.
> Interesting approach. I quickly tested exporting the res.lib package,
> which is the res/lib folder containing the JQuery libraries. This works
> perfectly.
> So, we could move the JQuery libraries to a new package, say
> org.apache.felix.webconsole.js, and export this package. Whenever we
> upgrade one of the libraries, we could increase the export version there.
> Consuming bundles could import that package and be sure to correctly
> wire; if they wished.
> WDYT ?
The problem with this approach is that you're exporting these resources
via the OSGi framework unnecessarily. Other bundles don't actually need
to do
This isn't THAT big of a deal, but it is a leak.

Nonetheless, I think this is the best you can do with the tools we have.

Perhaps we should move this discussion to osgi-dev?


> Regards
> Felix

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