On 10/4/10 10:52, Richard S. Hall wrote:

Thanks for the installer bundle, I did some tests locally on my Mac using 230 bundles from GlassFish, this is what I see (note: the "purge" command flushes disk buffers):

Empty cache
[heavyweight main]$ rm -rf felix-cache; purge; date; java -jar bin/felix.jar
Mon Oct  4 10:43:09 EDT 2010
2010-10-04 10:43:24,541 - BundleInstaller starting and waiting for FrameworkEvent.STARTED event ... 2010-10-04 10:43:24,822 - Framework started: Installing bundles from ./load dir
2010-10-04 10:43:54,464 - Done.

Populated cache
[heavyweight main]$ purge; date; java -jar bin/felix.jar
Mon Oct  4 10:44:49 EDT 2010
2010-10-04 10:45:12,212 - BundleInstaller starting and waiting for FrameworkEvent.STARTED event ... 2010-10-04 10:45:13,340 - Framework started: Installing bundles from ./load dir
2010-10-04 10:45:13,342 - Done.

You can see that the empty cache scenario takes about 45 seconds, whereas the populated cache takes about 24 seconds. So, on my machine, it takes a lot less time to re-load cached bundles...could be a function of my disk speed, I suppose, but it is what I would expect.

Not sure how to proceed, other than trying to get more samples.

Interestingly, I tried the same test using the 3.0.3 release (the above was with trunk) and I got the follow results:

Empty cache (3.0.3)
rm -rf felix-cache; purge; date; java -jar bin/felix.jar
Mon Oct  4 10:58:23 EDT 2010
2010-10-04 10:58:43,340 - BundleInstaller starting and waiting for FrameworkEvent.STARTED event ... 2010-10-04 10:58:43,557 - Framework started: Installing bundles from ./load dir
2010-10-04 10:59:03,373 - Done.

Populated cache (3.0.3)
purge; date; java -jar bin/felix.jar
Mon Oct  4 10:59:50 EDT 2010
2010-10-04 11:00:24,738 - BundleInstaller starting and waiting for FrameworkEvent.STARTED event ... 2010-10-04 11:00:26,736 - Framework started: Installing bundles from ./load dir
2010-10-04 11:00:26,738 - Done.

So, the populated cache takes nearly as long as the empty cache (36 seconds compared to 40 seconds)...this also makes sense, since the trunk has patches specifically designed to improve re-loading cached bundles.

-> richard

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:30 PM,<he...@ungoverned.org>   wrote:

On Fri, 1 Oct 2010 23:25:35 +0200, Pierre De Rop<pierre.de...@gmail.com>

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Richard S. Hall

   One thing, was your performance comparison based on using the new

I assume you are using a newly created cache for the framework snapshot
[obviously] an old cache for the 3.0.2, correct?

old cache with 3.0.2, and new cache with trunk.
but I also checked that new fwk/trunk is properly working when being
with the old cache (from 3.0.2)

You should also be testing an already created cache (i.e., a framework
restart), not an empty cache.

In the previous test, I compared with already created cache, not with

With empty caches, here are the results:

    - old fwk 3.0.2 / fresh empty cache ->   15.8 sec. (this is


would expect to get a longer delay, since the cache is empty when I
    the fwk)

2010-10-01 23:10:17,403 Starting Felix 3.0.2
2010-10-01 23:10:23,885 Starting cluster node "test"
2010-10-01 23:10:33,208 Cluster node "test" ready

    - new fwk / fresh empty cache ->15.2 sec

2010-10-01 23:15:46,2 Starting Felix 3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
2010-10-01 23:15:52,417 Starting cluster node "test"
2010-10-01 23:16:01,225 Cluster node "test" ready

hmmm, I don't understand why the fwk startup time is better when the


is empty (15.2 sec) than when the cache is non-empty (21.2 sec from
Ok, I will do more tests ... may be I did something wrong ? ... to be
continued ...

Hmm. Yeah, that seems a little odd. In that case, you should just delete
your cache each time to get better startup performance! ;-)

Definitely let me know what you find out. I too would expect framework restarts to be faster since we don't have to copy the JAR files first.

->   richard


Is that what you are doing? Just want to make sure I understand what is
being measured. :-)

->   richard

On 10/1/10 16:43, Pierre De Rop wrote:

  Hi Richard,
I tried our app server with the trunk (old cache with the new

everything works ok
(I install 195 bundles, and start 41 bundles)

With new cache/fwk trunk ->    it's also ok.

I also compared the performance of the startup time between felix

felix trunk.
To do this, I managed to ensure that my linux IO buffers cache are

before doing each test, by doing this:
echo 1>    /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo 2>    /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo 3>    /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

This ensures that my linux has released all buffer cache disk, like it
the case when I boot my host (cold start).
Now, for felix 3.0.2, I load my server in around *21,1 *seconds (it's
because all disk buffers are empty):

   2010-10-01 22:15:07,880 Starting Felix 3.0.2
   2010-10-01 22:15:18,121 Starting cluster node "test"
   2010-10-01 22:15:28,966 Cluster node "test" ready

and with felix/trunk, indeed, the server starts a little bit quicker,
not so much: around *in 20,3* seconds (I also flushed disk buffers
starting the test):

   2010-10-01 22:17:47,505 Starting Felix 3.1.0.SNAPSHOT
   2010-10-01 22:17:56,815 Starting cluster node "test"
   2010-10-01 22:18:07,798 Cluster node "test" ready


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Richard S. Hall<he...@ungoverned.org


p.s. I deploy snapshots of the everything, including the convenience

framework distribution or you can build from trunk.

On 10/1/10 11:37, Richard S. Hall wrote:

   Hey everyone,

I've made some changes to the bundle cache layout and handling to
performance and clean up code. I've tried to maintain backward
with old caches, but I'd appreciate is someone could try it out on
caches to see if it works.

** Back up your caches just in case! **

Note that the new cache format will not work with older frameworks.

cannot use a cache created with this new framework with previous
however, previously created caches should mostly continue to work
the two although there will be a loss of fidelity since changes to
only saved to the new way or the old way depending on if you are
the new framework or the old one.

For the curious, I've combined five bundle cache files (id,

state, start level, last modified, and refresh count) into a single
try to avoid excessive file accesses. This appears to improve

when you have a cache with lots of bundles, but your mileage will

on platform and other factors. Although, you won't necessarily see

improvements if you are using an old cache, since it will revert to


->    richard

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