The vote to accept the Monitor Admin service contribution has passed with the following votes:

   * +1 - Rob Walker, Felix Meschberger, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Carsten
     Ziegeler, Clement Escoffier, Marcel Offermans, Karl Pauls, Richard
     S. Hall
   * 0 - Guillaume Nodet.
   * -1 - None.

I will get the ball rolling on the rest of the process.

-> richard

On 10/18/10 17:49, Richard S. Hall wrote:
Nick Wilson has offered to contribute an implementation of the Monitor Admin service specification; see the following JIRA issue:

I'd like to call a vote on accepting this contribution.

[  ] +1 - Accept the Monitor Admin contribution.
[  ] 0 - No opinion.
[  ] -1 - Reject the Monitor Admin contribution.

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