On 3/4/11 2:00, Felix Meschberger wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 03.03.2011, 20:50 +0000 schrieb Richard S. Hall:
I've taken an initial pass at the board report:


It is somewhat paltry, so hopefully other people can think of some
things I'm missing.
The trademark/branding PMC requires us to add a section on project
branding to board reports, at least as long as we cannot confirm "tasks
completed". See also http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/pmcs.html.

I have added such a section and filled it out as far as I can tell.

IMHO the major open point is adding the TM symbol to the logo...

In the Felix logo or the Apache logo?

I also updated the site navigation to include the required link to the
ASF security page and change the license link to the general ASF
licenses as required.

Also updated the site index page moving the description section "What is
Apache Felix?" to the top (before the news).


-> richard


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