
On 28.06.2011, at 12:27, Thomas Calmant wrote:

> Hi,
> I've a strange behavior while working on the iPOJO builder for Eclipse :
> when the iPOJO manipulator works on an already manipulated class, it returns
> an empty array.
> I've seen it comes from the method
> "org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulation.Manipulator.manipulate(byte[])"
> (around line 70), where the test "ck.isalreadyManipulated()" is visible.
> Wouldn't be a better behavior to return the original byte array ("origin")
> instead of an empty one ?

I think it's a former convention to determine is the class was manipulated, but 
I agree it would be better to return the same array, and use the 
isAlreadyManipulated method.

> According to the Pojoization class, the setBytecode() method is called
> without tests, so it may erase the current class file content and imply an
> invalid build state...

I'm not sure, but it should be tested... I will have a look to confirm it.

> At least, it may be useful to indicate that behavior in the javadoc.

Will do,



> Regards,
> Thomas.

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