
Am 08.11.2011 um 00:39 schrieb Andrei Pozolotin:

> Felix:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Re: Future of the Maven SCR Plugin
> From: Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>
> To: dev@felix.apache.org <dev@felix.apache.org>
> Date: Mon 07 Nov 2011 09:01:26 AM CST
>> 1) can you make these 3 features part of "standard"?
>> Not in 4.3 but they remain on the plate for post-4.3.
> great!
>> 2) why annotation retention should be "CLASS" and not "RUNTIME"?
>> Because we don't need them at runtime. The annotations are build-time 
>> annotations used by build tooling. At runtime DS only looks at the XML files.
> I am sure  Carsten would prefer RUNTIME, :-)

No, read on ;-)

But why would you prefer RUNTIME ?

> since you can use just JDK, no need for ASM, etc

No, JDK is not an option because we don't want to ClassLoader.loadClass here ...

> and you still have to load class inside compile class path for
> inheritance resolution

No, we don't have to ClassLoader.loadClass we just have to read the class files 
using some byte code library (since the BND lib has this AFAICT we probably 
will use that one instead of ASM, but that is for another discussion).


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