Thanks Carsten,

I guess I should not proceed with the release without this step, so I'll just try again later.


On 12/30/2011 07:36 AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I see the same error when the Apache Jenkins instance tries to deploy
snapshots of Sling, so I fear it's rather a problem with the snapshot
repository than with your settings.


2011/12/30 Arjun Panday<>:
Hi everyone,

It's my turn to go through the ring of fire and attempt a release :)

"mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true" was successful and i'm now trying to
publish a snapshot, but I get the infamous 401 HTTP error:

[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Failed to transfer file:
Return code is: 401

I know it's supposed to be something with my settings.xml but I can't figure
out what. Below is my settings.xml with the apache servers, username and
password (removed!). Am I missing a server entry? Can someone help me figure
out what I did wrong?

I also checked my pom's parent:
<version>2.1</version>  <!-- should this be 3-SNAPSHOT ? -->


<!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
<password>{encrypted password}</password>
<!-- To publish a website of some part of Maven -->
<!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->
<password>{encrypted password}</password>
<!-- To stage a website of some part of Maven -->
<id>stagingSite</id>  <!-- must match hard-coded repository identifier in
site:stage-deploy -->
<gpg.passphrase>{encrypted password}</gpg.passphrase>

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