If I find the time, I'd like to update the framework to the R5 API...I don't plan on implementing any of the features, just upgrading to the latest API. (Of course, there aren't too many new features, just the bundle collision hook, I think.) The main reason to do so, is so the framework can start using/providing the new Resource API, which it already mostly supports.

This would be beneficial, since it would allow us to run the OBR resolver bundle I've checked into trunk, which requires the Resource API. Also, it would make it easier for anyone wanting to submit patches to implement any missing R5 functionality.

Before doing this, though, we'll probably cut a 4.2.0 release of the framework first, so this wouldn't happen until 4.4.0 or something, but I just wanted to run it by everyone to see if there were any objections. The main issue being, the framework won't implement all R5 functionality once released...we've done this in the past, so I don't suspect it is an issue now, but you never know...

-> richard

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