
This is a vote on version 1.4.0 of the Felix Configuration Admin Service 
implementation. The corner stones of this release a re compliance with the 
latest Configuration Admin Service specification (version 1.4 as published in 
Compendium 4.3 specification).

At the same time, this is basically the same code, which is also used as the 
reference implementation for the Configuration Admin 1.4 specification. As such 
this release, of course also passes the CT for the Configuration Admin 1.4.

The main big difference to earlier releases of this bundle is, that this build 
requires a Java 5 or newer platform to run because the embedded OSGi classes 
are compiled for Java 5 and are using generics. Great care has nevertheless 
been taken to not actually require Java 5 platform or API features. So, after 
recompiling the OSGi classes and this bundle using the target "jsr14" this 
bundle is expected to run on Java 1.4 compliant platforms.

The next release coming soon will implement version 1.5 of the Configuration 
Admin specification to be published in the upcoming Compendium 5 specification.

We solved 22 issues in this release:

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the signatures:

sh check_staged_release.sh 157 /tmp/felix-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments)

This vote will be open for 72 hours.


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