I do not know.

how is this addressed by ConfigurationAdmin?
service.pid and factory.pid are supposed to be framework-global? how one
bundle is creating a config entry for another?
DS component.name with configurationPolicy=required is mapped to
ConfigurationAdmin service.pid/factory.pid - means it is already global?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [DS] Feedback wanted on some ideas
From: David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>
To: dev@felix.apache.org
Date: Wed 03 Oct 2012 12:49:24 PM CDT
> As of DS 1.1, the component name is only unique per bundle.  So I'm not sure 
> how this would work, wouldn't you need to include the bundle in the method 
> signature?
> david jencks
> On Oct 3, 2012, at 10:39 AM, Andrei Pozolotin wrote:
>> great ideas; one more for your consideration
>> http://www.osgi.org/javadoc/r4v41/org/osgi/service/component/ComponentContext.html#enableComponent(java.lang.String)
>> <http://www.osgi.org/javadoc/r4v41/org/osgi/service/component/ComponentContext.html#enableComponent%28java.lang.String%29>
>> """
>> public void *enableComponent*(java.lang.String name)
>>    Enables the specified component name. The specified component name
>>    must be in the same bundle as this component.
>> """
>> instead, I suggest to permit traversal of bundle boundaries, so
>> enable/disable target can be anywhere.
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: [DS] Feedback wanted on some ideas
>> From: David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>
>> To: dev@felix.apache.org
>> Date: Wed 03 Oct 2012 12:28:49 PM CDT
>>> I've had several ideas about DS enhancements, some of which I've 
>>> implemented, and would like some feedback about how desirable they are 
>>> before committing or proceeding with them.
>>> 1.  (FELIX-3692)  If you manually enable/disable components some of the 
>>> work gets done asynchronously.  I propose an api for finding out whether 
>>> this work is done or waiting for it, something like
>>>   boolean tasksCompleted();
>>>   void waitForTasksCompleted();
>>> on ScrService.   (suggestions for better names welcome :-)  One use would 
>>> be in our tests to replace the delay() call.
>>> 2.  (FELIX-3557) There are several circumstances in which, as the spec 
>>> warns, you can't establish a circular dependency between components.  In 
>>> some of these cases, the order in which the components are activated 
>>> determines whether all the references are established.  This is hard to 
>>> understand from a users point of view :-).  Sometimes it's possible to 
>>> detect these situations and establish the reference asynchronously.  The 
>>> patch attached to the issue does this but needs a little more work to only 
>>> try with services from DS components.
>>> For these two, I'm wondering if they would be useful enough to propose for 
>>> the DS 1.3 spec.
>>> 3. (re-proposal)  I'd like to propose moving the implementation to java 5 
>>> again with generics etc.  The last time I suggested this there was a lot of 
>>> pushback on the grounds that there are a lot of people using DS on limited 
>>> platforms.  However, none of these alleged :-) people is using trunk, 
>>> because for several months the classes pulled from the concurrent library 
>>> were wrong and trunk just didn't run on pre-java-5 vms.  Are the compendium 
>>> 4.3 spec classes we pull in even compatible with pre-java-5 vms?
>>> 4.  (radical idea I haven't tried yet)  I'm becoming increasingly convinced 
>>> that the state objects in AbstractComponentManager mostly cause confusion 
>>> and make the code more complicated and less reliable.  The spec really only 
>>> describes two states, enabled and disabled.  The variations on enabled -- 
>>> whether the component has all its dependencies satisfied, whether the 
>>> service is registered, whether there are any implementation objects created 
>>> -- all seem somewhat orthogonal and depend very much on the environment  
>>> and don't seem to relate well to a single "dimension" of state.  I'm 
>>> considering trying to refactor the code that responds to outside actions 
>>> (activate/deactivate and dependencies appearing/disappearing) to be more 
>>> "straight-through" with checks on the specific aspects of state that they 
>>> need.  Possibly we would want to put the "dynamic state" such as 
>>> dependencies + instances in a single state object, but this is a different 
>>> approach to the current state objects which have no internal state.
>>> thanks
>>> david jencks

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