Oops, sorry.

Three fixes:
  - correct subject
  - Pierre's name is spelled incorrectly (sorry)
  - Pierre is not actually a PMC member

So, the correct result is 8 +1 votes (3 of which binding).

This vote nevertheless succeeds and I continue with the publication.


Am 29.10.2012 um 11:29 schrieb Felix Meschberger:

> Hi
> Time to tally the vote:
>  +1 Felix Meschberger*, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Pierr De Rop*,
>     Clement Escoffier*, David Bosschaert, Carsten Ziegeler*,
>     Ken Gilmer, Jamie G.
>   0 -
>  -1 -
> This vote passes with 8 +1 votes (4 of which binding). I will continue 
> publishing the artifacts.
> Thanks for your votes.
> Regards
> Felix
> Am 20.10.2012 um 12:36 schrieb Felix Meschberger:
>> Hi,
>> Here is the Apache Felix Configuration Admin 1.6.0 release implementing the 
>> most recent Configuration Admin Specification Version 1.5.
>> The issues completed in this release are listed in the release notes at 
>> (also attached at the end of this message):
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310100&version=12320945
>> Staging repository:
>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachefelix-144/
>> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the 
>> signatures:
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/check_staged_release.sh
>> Usage:
>> sh check_staged_release.sh 144 /tmp/felix-staging
>> Please vote to approve this release:
>> [ ] +1 Release
>> [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
>> This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
>> Regards
>> Felix
>> ** Bug
>> * [FELIX-3532] - Source artifact is not being generated
>> * [FELIX-3596] - Config Admin should track
>>                SynchronousConfigurationListeners
>> * [FELIX-3721] - Configuration not always provided upon
>>                initial service registration
>> ** Improvement
>> * [FELIX-3577] - Refactor helpers and service trackers
>> * [FELIX-3622] - ConfigurationManager.listConfigurations
>>                may not always properly log the
>>                configuration PID
>> ** Task
>> * [FELIX-3479] - [Config Admin 1.5] Implement
>>                Configuration.getChangeCount()
>> * [FELIX-3480] - [Config Admin 1.5] Implement support for
>>                SynchronousConfigurationListener
>> * [FELIX-3481] - [Config Admin 1.5] Implement support for
>>                Targeted PIDs
>> * [FELIX-3483] - [Config Admin 1.5] Export cm API at version 1.5
>> * [FELIX-3554] - Prevent same configuration to be delivered
>>                multiple times
>> * [FELIX-3562] - Use OSGi Configuration Admin 1.5 API classes
>> * [FELIX-3578] - ConfigAdmin Maven build does not have Maven
>>                convention *-sources.jar artifacts

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