On 12/20/12 6:56 PM, Jad Naous wrote:
It does look like the same issue.

Got the trunk/framework. mvn clean install gives:

[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @
org.apache.felix.framework ---
Dec 20, 2012 3:54:59 PM org.sonatype.guice.bean.reflect.Logs$JULSink warn
WARNING: Error injecting: org.apache.maven.plugin.CompilerMojo

Odd. I'll look into building trunk tomorrow, unless someone beats me to it.

-> richard


On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Richard S. Hall <he...@ungoverned.org>wrote:

On 12/20/12 4:10 PM, Jad Naous wrote:

If a bundle undergoes a refresh while ipojo is still initializing
components, a deadlock can happen.  The issue is that if ipojo is
attempting to register a service, it will be doing it while synchronizing
on the InstanceCreator instance. It will then try to register a service
which requires the framework's global lock.

Registering a service doesn't require a global, just a bundle lock. I
think this could be related to:


This avoid grabbing the bundle lock when registering a service, so maybe
it will help your situation. You could try to build the framework from
trunk and see if it makes a difference.

If you aren't able to build from trunk, let me know and I'll try to
publish a snapshot build since I don't think we have a recent one (we
should do this no matter what).

-> richard

If a refresh is happening in another thread, the refresh will be holding
the framework's global lock, which will then call IPOJO's extender, which
then attempts to call a method on InstanceCreator, hence leading to the

Here are the stack traces:

Daemon Thread [Thread-1] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
Object[](Object).wait() line: 485
Felix.acquireBundleLock(**BundleImpl, int) line: 4871
Felix.registerService(**BundleImpl, String[], Object, Dictionary) line:
BundleContextImpl.**registerService(String[], Object, Dictionary) line:
IPojoContext.registerService(**String[], Object, Dictionary) line: 385
ProvidedService.**registerService() line: 362
ProvidedServiceHandler.__M_**stateChanged(int) line: 509
ProvidedServiceHandler.**stateChanged(int) line: not available
InstanceManager.setState(int) line: 536
InstanceManager.start() line: 418
ComponentFactory.**createInstance(Dictionary, IPojoContext,
line: 179
ServiceContext) line: 310
line: 239
InstanceCreator$**ManagedInstance.create(**IPojoFactory) line: 355
InstanceCreator.addInstance(**Dictionary, long) line: 89
Extender.parse(Bundle, String) line: 306
Extender.startManagementFor(**Bundle) line: 237
Extender.access$600(Extender, Bundle) line: 52
Extender$CreatorThread.run() line: 769
Thread.run() line: 662

Daemon Thread [FelixFrameworkWiring] (Suspended)
InstanceCreator.**removeInstancesFromBundle(**long) line: 116
Extender.closeManagementFor(**Bundle) line: 171
Extender.bundleChanged(**BundleEvent) line: 153
EventDispatcher.**invokeBundleListenerCallback(**Bundle, EventListener,
EventObject) line: 868
EventDispatcher.**fireEventImmediately(**EventDispatcher, int, Map,
EventObject, Dictionary) line: 789
EventDispatcher.**fireBundleEvent(BundleEvent, Framework) line: 514
Felix.fireBundleEvent(int, Bundle) line: 4244
Felix.stopBundle(BundleImpl, boolean) line: 2351
Felix$RefreshHelper.stop() line: 4629
Felix.refreshPackages(**Collection, FrameworkListener[]) line: 3951
FrameworkWiringImpl.run() line: 172
Thread.run() line: 662

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