2013/1/25 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>:
> Hi,
> Thanks alot.
> From a modularization POV this makes a lot of sense and I agree with the 
> direction you are taking here.
> From an ease-of-use POV, it is a bit different: For the 4.0 release we 
> dropped the full build. This causes some trouble in the community because it 
> is now harder to deploy the Web Console in simple setups. So the next release 
> will have an all-in-one bundle again.
> So, about all-in-one: would it make sense and would it be possible to setup 
> the Web Console all-in-one build such, that the new external bundle would be 
> part of the webconsole all-in-one bundle again ?

Yes, it's just one more bundle to add - it has zero dependencies
(apart from framework classes).


> Regards
> Felix
> Am 25.01.2013 um 01:33 schrieb Carsten Ziegeler:
>> Hi,
>> I've created a first implementation[1] of a new bundle which takes
>> over the configuration status functionality from the web console
>> The configuration status printers in the web console are imho of more
>> general use, and make sense to be used outside of a web console.
>> I've created a new API which is similar to the current configuration
>> printer api but a little bit more consistent and more trimmed to the
>> actual use cases.
>> In addition to the API and the implementation thereof, I've provided
>> several glue code:
>> a) web console configuration printers are registered as the new service
>> b) a new web console plugin for the configuration status which uses
>> the new services. Due to a) old API is supported as well
>> c) configuration printers are now registered as separate web console
>> plugins, so we have a menu entry for each status which makes getting
>> to a specific status easier
>> d) The web console stuff is as compatible as possible, same urls for
>> zip etc. are used, same functionality
>> e) The only thing the new api does not support anymore is
>> localization. I think for a configuration status, it's better to stick
>> to one language.
>> f) Added new support for printers providing machine readable json.
>> WDYT?
>> Regards
>> Carsten
>> [1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/sandbox/cziegeler/status-printer
>> --
>> Carsten Ziegeler
>> cziege...@apache.org

Carsten Ziegeler

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