
-> richard

On 5/15/13 13:14 , Clement Escoffier wrote:

It's time to cut a release of the iPOJO manipulator (1.10.0), runtime project 
(1.10.0), Gogo's architecture command (1.1.0) and iPOJO Web Console plugin 

This releases contains:
* bnd-ipojo-plugin - 1.10.0
* maven-ipojo-plugin  - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations - 1.10.0           
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.ant - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.api  - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.arch.gogo - 1.1.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.composite - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulator - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulator-project - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.manipulator.online - 1.10.0
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime-project  - 1.10.0      
* org.apache.felix.ipojo.webconsole - 1.7.0

Those releases contain a lot of bug fixes, improvements and new feature. The 
changelogs are below.

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the

sh check_staged_release.sh 024 /tmp/felix-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments)

This vote will be open for 72 hours (at least).



Changelog of the manipulator project (1.10.0):
** Bug
     * [FELIX-3827] - Error in bbd-ipojo-plugin of manipulating jar with 
embedded dependencies with maven bundle plugin + bnd-ipojo-plugin
     * [FELIX-3900] - @HandlerDeclaration do not convert DOM Attributes to 
iPOJO Attributes correctly
     * [FELIX-3938] - maven-ipojo-plugin does not behave as bnd-ipojo-plugin
     * [FELIX-3974] - Properties cannot be set as immutable using annotations
     * [FELIX-3995] - Missing options in Bind annotation
     * [FELIX-4027] - The iPOJO Ant task requires org.objectweb.asm.tree
     * [FELIX-4046] - Inner class manipulation fails with expanded frames
     * [FELIX-4052] - Instance declaration not created correctly when using 
@Instantiate if the @Component specifies a name

** Improvement
     * [FELIX-3286] - Update POM to use the new parent
     * [FELIX-3452] - Extending maven-ipojo-plugin with directoryManipulation 
     * [FELIX-3749] - Refactor the manipulator for better (and extensible) 
annotation support
     * [FELIX-3837] - PojoizationPlugin should be more extensible
     * [FELIX-3901] - Avoid converting Xml namespace declaration with 
     * [FELIX-3927] - Exclude iPOJO 2.0 packages during manipulation

** New Feature
     * [FELIX-3699] - Allow annotations to handle custom component definitions.
     * [FELIX-4059] - Provide a CLI tool to manipulate iPOJO bundles

** Task
     * [FELIX-3903] - Migrate tests to pax exam 3
     * [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent
     * [FELIX-3976] - Move the online manipulator out of the core bundle

Changelog of the runtime project (1.10.0):
** Bug
     * [FELIX-3451] - "instance.name" attribute not recognized
     * [FELIX-3843] - ClassCastException when listing service properties of a 
non-ComponentFactory Factory service
     * [FELIX-3895] - iPOJO instance is not shown (with the "arch" commands) if 
constructor is failing
     * [FELIX-3896] - Null reference are injected with @Bind(optional=false) 
method on iPOJO components
     * [FELIX-3918] - iPOJO Logger cannot be dynamically configured on Equinox 
and KF
     * [FELIX-3919] - iPOJO Proxies strategy cannot be configured dynamically 
on Equinox and KF
     * [FELIX-3920] - Creation Strategy does not work on KF3
     * [FELIX-3974] - Properties cannot be set as immutable using annotations
     * [FELIX-3995] - Missing options in Bind annotation
     * [FELIX-4041] - Properties starting with . should not be propagated
     * [FELIX-4048] - @Requires handler does not fail when no specification can 
be found
     * [FELIX-4053] - Avoid @StaticServiceProperty to be used on classes
     * [FELIX-4054] - Use current factory version to generate instance name if 

** Improvement
     * [FELIX-3860] - factories and instances iPOJO gogo commands should show the 
"public=false" instances/factories
     * [FELIX-3932] - Allow dependency filter's to get context-source variables
     * [FELIX-4040] - Implement config admin support to handle binding location 
     * [FELIX-4045] - Chain Exceptions when possible

** New Feature
     * [FELIX-4034] - Instance configuration DSL

** Task
     * [FELIX-3892] - Upgrade runtime codebase to Java 5
     * [FELIX-3903] - Migrate tests to pax exam 3
     * [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent
     * [FELIX-3948] - Define a new extender model
     * [FELIX-3978] - Check that we don't use java 6+ API

** Wish
     * [FELIX-3926] - Provide metadata for the Extender namespace

Changelog of the arch-gogo project (1.1.0):
** Bug
     * [FELIX-3895] - iPOJO instance is not shown (with the "arch" commands) if 
constructor is failing

** Improvement
     * [FELIX-3860] - factories and instances iPOJO gogo commands should show the 
"public=false" instances/factories

** Task
     * [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent

Changelog for the webconsole plugin (1.7.0):
** Improvements
     * Integration with the webconsole 4.x

** Task
     * [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent

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