On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Bram de Kruijff <bdekrui...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jan-Willem,
> disclaimer: I have never done a Felix release so there may be
> something I am missing :) Having said so..
>>   svn --non-interactive copy \
>>     --file /path/to/maven-scm-1604415565.commit \
>>     --revision 1522994 \
>>     .../felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http \
>>     .../felix/releases/org.apache.felix.http-2.2.1
> As the http root pom does not specify any scm info the
> developerConnection is inherited from the released 2.1 parent pom and
> postfixed with the project.artifactId. Hence the '
> .../felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http'. This is
> the maven default heuristic that works if you use a hierarchical
> layout where artifactId matches directory name and you do a
> multi-module release
> In this case obviously fails. Running 'maven help:effective-pom' shows
> this info as well;
>   <scm>
> <connection>scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http</connection>
> <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http</developerConnection>
> <url>http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/felix/releases/?root=Apache-SVN/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http</url>
>   </scm>
> The straightforward approach is to specify the scm info in each pom.
> This also seems to be implicitly suggested by the release page [0]
> (see Staging the release candidate #4). So for example in the
> http/pom.xml
>   <scm>
> <connection>scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/http</connection>
> <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/http</developerConnection>
>     <url>http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/felix/trunk/http/</url>
>   </scm>
> However, as none of the poms have this info I am wondering how this
> has been released before. Not sure. Obvisouly you can also pass the
> parameters as java options on the command line..

Ps. Looking at the recently released projects (eg metatype, prefs,
scr) adding this scm info seems to be the way it is done.


> Regards,
> Bram
> [0] 
> http://felix.apache.org/documentation/development/release-management-nexus.html#staging-the-release-candidates
> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Jan Willem Janssen
> <janwillem.jans...@luminis.eu> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to release Felix HTTP v2.2.1 (using [1]), but running `mvn
>> release:prepare` (from the `http` directory) fails while trying to
>> create a release tag of the current sources (full log below):
>>   [ERROR] The svn tag command failed.
>>   [ERROR] Command output:
>>   [ERROR] svn: E160013:
>> '/repos/asf/!svn/rvr/1522993/felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http'
>> path not found
>> The actual command being (shortened a little for readability):
>>   svn --non-interactive copy \
>>     --file /path/to/maven-scm-1604415565.commit \
>>     --revision 1522994 \
>>     .../felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http \
>>     .../felix/releases/org.apache.felix.http-2.2.1
>> Somehow, Maven has an incorrect notion of where the Felix HTTP sources
>> are residing in the SVN tree. It thinks that they are residing
>> underneath `releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http`, while
>> they obviously reside underneath `trunk/http`.
>> - From the history, it appears that this is the first time a release is
>> made with the Felix parent POM v2.1  (release v2.2.0 used v1.2 of the
>> Felix parent POM), which might be a clue as to why it fails this time.
>> Anybody able to help me out on this? How does Maven get the "strange"
>> notion on where the sources should reside in SVN?
>> Thanks in advance,
>>   Jan Willem
>> 1.
>> http://felix.apache.org/documentation/development/release-management-nexus.html#staging-the-release-candidates
>> Relevant output log:
>> - --snip--
>> [INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
>> [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/jawi/Sources/felix/http && svn
>> - --non-interactive commit --file
>> /var/folders/3w/s23k21td37bgc4_z7_hgh370gn/T/maven-scm-586998340.commit
>> - --targets
>> /var/folders/3w/s23k21td37bgc
>> 4_z7_hgh370gn/T/maven-scm-3764299962992961060-targets
>> [INFO] Working directory: /Users/jawi/Sources/felix/http
>> [INFO] Tagging release with the label org.apache.felix.http-2.2.1...
>> [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/jawi/Sources/felix/http && svn
>> - --non-interactive copy --file
>> /var/folders/3w/s23k21td37bgc4_z7_hgh370gn/T/maven-scm-1604415565.commit
>> - --revision 1522994
>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http
>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/releases/org.apache.felix.http-2.2.1
>> [INFO] Working directory: /Users/jawi/Sources/felix/http
>> [INFO]
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
>> [INFO]
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Parent POM ...................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Api ............................. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Base ............................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Bridge .......................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Jetty ........................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Proxy ........................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Whiteboard ...................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Cometd .......................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Bundle .......................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http SSL Filter ...................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Samples - Filter ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Samples - Bridge ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Samples - Whiteboard ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Samples - Cometd ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Apache Felix Http Reactor ......................... FAILURE
>> [2:36.879s]
>> [INFO]
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Total time: 2:38.195s
>> [INFO] Finished at: Fri Sep 13 18:06:40 CEST 2013
>> [INFO] Final Memory: 16M/618M
>> [INFO]
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1:prepare
>> (default-cli) on project org.apache.felix.http: Unable to tag SCM
>> [ERROR] Provider message:
>> [ERROR] The svn tag command failed.
>> [ERROR] Command output:
>> [ERROR] svn: E160013:
>> '/repos/asf/!svn/rvr/1522993/felix/releases/felix-parent-2.1/org.apache.felix.http'
>> path not found
>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with
>> the -e switch.
>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>> please read the following articles:
>> [ERROR] [Help 1]
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with
>> the command
>> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :org.apache.felix.http
>> - --
>> Met vriendelijke groeten | Kind regards
>> Jan Willem Janssen | Software Architect
>> +31 631 765 814
>> /My world is revolving around PulseOn and Amdatu/
>> Luminis Technologies B.V.
>> J.C. Wilslaan 29
>> 7313 HK   Apeldoorn
>> +31 88 586 46 30
>> http://www.luminis-technologies.com
>> http://www.luminis.eu
>> KvK (CoC) 09 16 28 93
>> BTW (VAT) NL8169.78.566.B.01
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>> =1s2B
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