Hello David,

Sit down first, this is a long mail. :)

On Oct 16, 2013, at 1:06 AM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Marcel Offermans <marcel.offerm...@luminis.nl> 
> wrote:
>> On Oct 15, 2013, at 19:51 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>> DS still can't do dynamic dependencies, nor is it extensible to support new 
>> types of dependencies (DM comes with dependencies to track services, 
>> configuration, bundles and "resources". To give an example, DM can declare a 
>> component that requires service A and configuration B. As soon as it has 
>> both, the component can evaluate configuration B and depending on its 
>> contents add another service dependency C (or something like that).
> Do you have an example?  The "requires service A and configuration B" sounds 
> like in DS a 1..1 reference to A and ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE.

This part is the same as DS, and it would look somewhat like this in DM:

public class Activator extends DependencyActivatorBase {
        public void init(BundleContext c, DependencyManager dm) throws 
Exception {

        public void destroy(BundleContext c, DependencyManager dm) throws 
Exception {

So we end up with a component that will be instantiated lazily by creating an 
instance of ComponentWithDynamicDependencies as soon as the EventAdmin service 
is available and a configuration called "org.foo.pid". For that configuration 
we can also do very specific checks in code to determine if it contains all the 
information we want. If not, DM will not consider the requirement as 
"satisfied" and the component will wait until a good configuration comes along 
(see updated method below).

> What adds the dependency on C?  How does this differ from including the 
> C.target property in the configuration?

The component does, programmatically, as soon as the two requirements above 
have been satisfied. Let's continue with our example:

public class ComponentWithDynamicDependencies implements ManagedService {
        private volatile EventAdmin m_eventAdmin;
        private String m_filter;
        private boolean m_isRequired;
        public void init(Component c) {
                DependencyManager dm = c.getDependencyManager();
                        .setService(Storage.class, m_filter)

        public void updated(Dictionary properties) throws 
ConfigurationException {
                m_filter = (String) getNotNull(properties, "filter");
                m_isRequired = (Boolean) getNotNull(properties, "required");
        private Object getNotNull(Dictionary properties, String key) throws 
ConfigurationException {
                Object result = properties.get(key);
                if (result == null) {
                        throw new ConfigurationException(key, "must be 
                return result;

So the "updated" method checks the incoming properties and checks if the two 
ones we need are really there. Here you could (and maybe should) do more 
consistency checks, such as make sure you got a valid filter, etc. but I left 
that out to keep the example simple).

Then, the "init" method is automatically invoked as part of the life cycle of 
the component, as soon as the two dependencies are present. It takes the 
"Component", as previously declared in the Activator, as an optional argument 
and in this case we use that to add an extra service dependency on a "Storage" 
class with the filter condition that was in the configuration data. Also, a 
second condition determines if the dependency is optional or required.

>> DM also has concepts like aspects and adapters, that allow you to declare 
>> factories that automatically generate components that attach to other 
>> services. In the case of aspects creating a whole "chain" of services, 
>> allowing you to easily intercept existing services and add behaviour such as 
>> adding a cache to a store. In the case of adapters allowing you to add for 
>> example management capabilities to services.. Just to name a few examples. 
>> This really deserves a longer description, but this gives you a general idea.
> From my quick look at the docs it looked like these examples basically 
> registered another service exposing the same interface and with a dependency 
> on the original service, something that is easy to do with DS as well.  I 
> didn't see the factory aspect described….. again, is there a more 
> sophisticated example?

Ok, let's take an example using the whiteboard pattern to create a component 
that can execute all Task services that have been published in the framework. 
For the sake of simplicity I'm going to publish that component and two Task 
implementations from the same bundle, but in the real world you'd probably 
create different bundles for them:

public class Activator extends DependencyActivatorBase {
        public void init(BundleContext c, DependencyManager dm) throws 
Exception {
                                .setCallbacks("add", "remove")));
                        .setInterface(Task.class.getName(), null)
                        .setInterface(Task.class.getName(), null)

We'll continue the activator a bit further down. The other classes used are:

public class TaskExecutor {
        public void add(Task task) {
                // store our task for later execution
        public void remove(Task task) {
                // remove our task from the internal list

public interface Task {
        public void execute();

public class TaskOne implements Task {
        public void execute() {
                System.out.println("Task One");

public class TaskTwo implements Task {
        public void execute() {
                System.out.println("Task Two");

Nothing "special" so far. Two Task services come up and are "collected" by the 

Now let's add an aspect. Aspects are factories that create another service on 
top of the service that they're an aspect for. In this example, let's create an 
aspect on top of Task services that counts the number of invocations for that 
specific task. We continue our activator like this:

                dm.add(createAspectService(Task.class, null, 10)

So this creates two instances of a Task service that bind to each underlying 
Task (TaskOne and TaskTwo). DM automatically injects the original service in 
the aspect, and in this case, the aspect is created with a service ranking of 
10. You can create multiple aspects and create a whole chain if you want. The 
order is determined by the ranking you supply.

DM also takes care that the TaskExecutor will now see only the two aspects on 
top of the original tasks (in other words, it will always only see the top of 
the chain).

The implementation of the aspect is something like this:

public class TaskCounter implements Task {
        private volatile Task m_task;
        private long m_counter = 0;

        public void execute() {
                System.out.println("Invoked " + m_task + " " + m_counter + " 

Now, let's also add an adapter. Adapters also bind to services, but don't 
create a "chain" like aspects do. Assume we would like to create a servlet for 
each task so we can trigger it with an HTTP GET call to that servlet. Going 
back to the activator we declare our adapter, making sure it also has a service 
dependency on HttpService:

                dm.add(createAdapterService(Task.class, null)

What happens now is that we will end up with an instance of TaskServlet that is 
linked to the Task and that also has HttpService injected. So in that 
implementation, we can simply do our magic in the start() method (which is one 
of the life cycle methods that will be invoked on a component, if present):

public class TaskServlet {
        private volatile HttpService m_service;
        private volatile Task m_task;
        public void start() {
                // register as a servlet here and invoke the task from its HTTP 
GET method

I did not actually include the code to register the servlet, but you can see 
where it would go.

There are still a few other features that I did not discuss in this mail, but 
aspects and adapters have proven to be very valuable when building modular 
systems to allow you to really build components that do one thing well. Just as 
an other example, by adding aspects to certain services, it's easy to deploy 
all kinds of monitoring capabilities into an existing application, without ever 
having to touch the original code. Just deploy an extra bundle with an aspect, 
and you're done.

>> A third feature that might be interesting is that DM also has support for 
>> "indices" that dramatically speed up the OSGi service registry when you're 
>> dealing with applications that consist of lots of services (1k-10k or even 
>> more). It uses a technique similar to what relational databases use to speed 
>> up lookups. Xander did a lot of work on this, they have a huge application 
>> that used to take about 30 minutes to start up and now does so in more like 
>> 30 seconds (so orders of magnitude speedup).
> I'd like to look at this, can you point me to the code?

Sure, there is a static {} initializer block in:


That sets up the indices based on a system property that needs to be set. That 
currently means that, like with databases, you need to think about what indices 
you want to use to speed up your application, which obviously depends on the 
types of services and dependencies that you have. If you then look at the 


You will see the indices for which we currently have implementations. Most of 
those can be configured. Some are for specific scenarios (such as when you use 
a lot of adapters or aspects as mentioned above).

Mind you, it's probably not the easiest piece of code to read.

>>> I also wonder if it would be useful to add to DS a fluent api for adding 
>>> components at runtime.  I think this would be pretty easy, just construct 
>>> ComponentMetadata and add it to the appropriate BundleComponentActivator.
>> Creating the fluent API would not be too hard, but DS is not dynamic, you 
>> need to package the XML with the bundle for it to work, so that part would 
>> be harder to fix (unless you resort to generating bundles on the fly or 
>> something like that).
> I was thinking of creating a non-xml way to add the same kind of information 
> as in the xml, I think you might describe this as making DS dynamic.

So how would you do that at build time? Build the code that uses the fluent 
API, run it and have it output XML that can then be put in the bundle? That 
could definitely work.

Greetings, Marcel

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