


On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Richard S. Hall <he...@ungoverned.org>wrote:

> +1
> -> richard
> On 5/20/14, 13:01 , David Jencks wrote:
>> Following some dev list discussion, proposal is to change
>> http://felix.apache.org/documentation/development/
>> provisional-osgi-api-policy.html to this (markdown source):
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------
>> The OSGi Alliance exposes provisional API that may or may not become part
>> of future OSGI specifications.  This policy explains how and when Felix
>> subprojects may relate to such API. Provisional OSGi API refers to anything
>> in the `org.osgi.*` package namespace that is not part of a final released
>> specification.
>> ## Policy
>> 1. No Felix release may contain or refer to provisional OSGI API.
>> 1. Provisional API may be included and used in unreleased source code,
>> however the API must be part of a final released OSGI specification before
>> this Felix source may be released.
>> 1. Although it is STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED, modified versions of
>> provisional api may be released with these modifications:
>> 1. Any provisional OSGi API must be recreated in the `org.apache.felix.*`
>> package name space; this effectively makes it provisional Felix API.
>> 1. All Felix provisional API must be marked as deprecated.
>> 1. All Felix provisional API exported from bundles should be exported
>> with a mandatory attribute of `status="provisional"`.
>> ## Discussion
>> The first goal of this policy is to completely avoid using provisional
>> OSGi API in released Felix projects given the potential confusion and
>> questions by doing so. The second goal is to make the existence of any
>> released Felix provisional API completely obvious to downstream users and
>> make it difficult for them to use it unknowingly. However, any such release
>> is likely to involve numerous problems such as incorrect semantic
>> versioning or version mismatch between the provisional and eventual OSGI
>> release and bundle version inflation if the Felix provisional api is
>> removed after the OSGI API is released.
>> As an example, to provisionally export the 
>> `org.apache.felix.service.metatype`
>> package, the
>> `Export-Package` statement would look something like this:
>>     :::xml
>>     <Export-Package>
>>       org.apache.felix.service.metatype; version="0.1";
>> mandatory="status"; status="provisional"
>>     </Export-Package>
>> When working with new OSGI specifications, constructing a Felix
>> provisional API will likely result in parallel package structures between
>> the provisional OSGi and Felix APIs. When working with existing
>> specifications, it may be necessary to create extensions to existing OSGi
>> interfaces in the Felix package namespace.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> --------------------------
>> +1 [ ] Adopt this replacement text
>> -1 [ ] Keep the existing text
>> 0 [ ] Don't care
>> Vote open for 72 hours or until I can get enough people to vote :-)
>> thanks
>> david jencks

Karl Pauls

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