On 7/25/14, 08:45 , Rob Walker wrote:
I'm being lazy here, but didn't find a quick answer via Google.

I have it in the back of my mind that the Java VM has some kind of codepage sharing i.e. 2 java process running the same code on the same machine will only use one memory space for the loaded class bytecode. Each will have it's own data pages clearly.

1st question is - am I correct on this?

If this is true it leads to my 2nd question - whether Felix/OSGi defeats? I'm assuming that any codepage sharing done by the VM would be based on the absolute path to the JAR, and hence in an OSGi model where we have a bundle cache per-process, the codepages may not end up shared?

I thought they only memory mapped the JRE classes, not application classes...

-> richard

Feel free to respond with links to article I need to go read!

-- Rob

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