Hi everyone!


I'm Freddy Guime and wanted to help developing the Apache Felix project. Bob
Paulin has been encouraging me to help with the project, and he was telling
me this is a great group to join and help.


My background is in financial applications (algorithmic trading / high
frequency trading software). I also work with Swing, front-end UIs as well.
With Bob we run the javapubhouse.com podcast, and have helped write the Java
7/8 Recipes book with Josh Juneau (and co.), and (with Bob) we are the local
user group leaders . In all pretty excited to get involved in this apache


Bob was pointing me to the event admin just to see what could be done in
terms of performance/cleaning up so I'm taking a quick peek. 


Let me know if you have any questions for me.




Freddy Guime



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