Christian Schneider wrote
> I would also like to propose a way to provide default configs.
> Like described below enroute provides a way to define default configs as
> files in a bundle. This is implemented using an extender.
> See
> I think such an extender would also make sense as a felix project. If
> there generally is interest in it I will provide a prototype.
> We could also implement the override behaviour in this extender.
> I will also contact Peter if he is interested to move the enroute code
> for the extender into a felix project. I think it could make sense to
> have helper bundles like this
> maintained by a community.

We have picked up Peter's idee and are working on an official spec for
this (I think it's RFC 218, named Configurator). I'm currently working
on an implementation and as soon as the RFC is stable (which it should
be in some weeks), I plan to contribute my implementation to Apache Felix.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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