I think I understand better now.  Thank you for the explanation as I am
still trying to get an understanding of DTO's and the converter and how
they can be used in my application.

David Daniel

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:29 AM, David Leangen <o...@leangen.net> wrote:

> Hi David D.,
> Thanks for your input.
> What you write makes sense, but I don’t think it really applies to what I
> am trying to suggest.
> All I am asking for is an introspective view on the DTO data tree
> structure, nothing more. Since this is being parsed anyway, this code
> provides the perfect opportunity to open up this view of the data. Anything
> beyond that would be out of scope, but would be able to interact nicely and
> easily with the data tree exposed by this new interface.
> This is in no way a persistence structure, or any kind of database,
> especially not relational. Having a parsable, manipulatable view of the
> data structure would, however, allow much easier processing of the data to
> map to a database, whether it be relational, key/value, graph, etc.
> Aa an example, a few years back, I had to write exactly this type of
> functionality in order to do a deep storage of a data structure in Berkeley
> DB. The top-level objects “shared” other objects, so it was decided that it
> would be wasteful to have millions of duplicate copies of those mid-level
> objects. When storing and retrieving data, I had to introspect the data
> structure and dejoin the mid-level objects, store them in their own
> key/value store, then join them again when the data was retrieved. Document
> stores and graph DBs also need instructions as to how to store the data.
> Not just RDBs.
> I agree with what you write, that the relationships are too complex to
> deduce from the DTO structure. Objects that are embedded in the data do not
> define the relationships; there is not enough information for that. That
> type of information would be beyond the scope of what I am proposing.
> However, the annotations (for instance) that you would use to mark the
> relationships would work very well with this data structure. With that
> access to the data tree, I could easily kick off a process against the tree
> that looks for these annotations so that I can interface with my
> persistence layer.
> That is for persistence. If you want to work with, for instance, Lucene,
> for indexing the data, I think that this type of introspective access to
> the data tree would also be very useful.
> All I am suggesting is that we provide access to the tree, which would
> _enable_ many types of processing against it, not that we actually include
> anything new.
> I do understand that it is a step away from a simple “Converter”, but the
> parsing is essentially the same. Since the hard work is already being done,
> why not take advantage of it here? Even if this tree view ends up being a
> completely different service, the same code base could easily serve the two.
> Cheers,
> =David
> > On Aug 16, 2016, at 8:35 PM, David Daniel <david.daniel.1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > In my opinion with the scenarios you described you are no longer
> describing
> > the data but a persistence structure.  Indexes are about duplicating the
> > data so it can be retrieved faster given a storage structure and some
> idea
> > of that structure is needed to create them.  If the persisting side could
> > determine the structure solely off the presence of the key then I think
> it
> > is not bad to have in but it is impossible for a key to cover every area.
> > I think I just don't like the idea of tying the structure into the
> > definition without value types in java.  I am also wary about pulling in
> > object relationships because that is getting into type/category theory
> > which java does not have a standard way of doing.  With relational data
> if
> > you have a key then you can just have a limited number relationships by
> > default like 1 to 1 or 1 to many or many to many but I don't like the
> idea
> > of having DTO's as relational defined objects while most things are
> moving
> > away from that.  I also think you cannot accurately define most
> > relationships in a small structure.  How do you define multiple elements
> as
> > sum types or product types.  How do you show one DTO has an inherited
> > relationship vs a compositional one.  I think there are many functional
> > languages that run on the jvm like scala, clojure, kotlin and hazkel that
> > do a good job of allowing programmers to create their own relationships
> > that can be defined on data and I dont think the spec should be creating
> > another.  I think having DTO's as they are and then the programmer can
> use
> > the converter to convert to other objects that have more meaningful
> > capabilities is enough for the standard.  I think the things discussed
> > above should be in a separate library that adds functionality onto DTO
> and
> > Converter similar to cats in scala.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> >  David Daniel
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:00 AM, David Leangen <o...@leangen.net> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> The Converter service does a lot of introspection and parsing of the DTO
> >> data structure. In many cases, a DTO is a very simple object structure.
> >> However, it can also be a very complex structure, too.
> >>
> >> According to my understanding of the objectives of the Converter, one
> >> important goal is to be able to persist data. The idea is that the DTO
> >> describes the data, the whole data, and nothing but the data, so help me
> >> Uncle. Thus, it is the ideal way to ship the state of the system off to
> >> PersistenceLand.
> >>
> >> I can buy into this vision.
> >>
> >> If we do buy into this vision, then we may be missing out on a few great
> >> opportunities here. When data gets persisted, we often need to
> understand
> >> the relationships between the embedded objects. Or, we may want to be
> able
> >> to create an index on the data. These are a few of the reasons why we
> would
> >> want to have some kind of x-ray vision on the data structure. Since we
> >> already go through all the trouble of parsing the data structure in
> order
> >> to convert it, and since this is ~95% of the work, it would be really
> nice
> >> to provide access to this information in order to easily link in
> services
> >> that require this intimate knowledge. Otherwise, all the parsing would
> have
> >> to be done over and over again for each service.
> >>
> >> I believe that it would only take a few methods to be able to leverage
> all
> >> the parsing work done by the Converter. I can think of:
> >>
> >>  DataTree Converter.toTree(DTO dto); // DataTre gives a tree view of the
> >> structure
> >>  Object tree.valueAt(DTO dto, String path); // Dot-separated path value
> >> within the tree structure
> >>  void tree.set(DTO dto, String path, Object value); // Set the value at
> >> the given location in the tree structure
> >>  void process(DTO dto, Consumer<?> function); // Visit each node for
> some
> >> kind of processing
> >>
> >> Those are just some examples. Perhaps a new API would be necessary, but
> my
> >> main point here is that since we are going through all this work of
> >> implementing a parser, this is the IDEAL time to create this type of
> view
> >> on the data.
> >>
> >>
> >> wdyt?
> >>
> >> I can explain further the idea if you like. For now, I just wanted to
> get
> >> a quick feedback to see if there is any openness to this kind of thing.
> >>
> >>
> >> =David
> >>
> >>
> >>

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