Late to the discussion but just want to shed some light on this. This 
discussion has been held before.

Volatile fields are not required for STATIC references because there is an 
implicit lock in the execution path from BundleContext.getService to the 
instance. Since this is the only way you can officially get an instance it is 
perfectly safe to not make the field volatile.

The spec prescribes or implies the following:

        The activation is executed exactly once
        No caller of getService can see the object before activate has finished

So what must happen under the hood

        Tscr: Register Service Factory SF for S
        Tscr: notify service event
        T1 -> getService S
        T2 -> getService S

Since the spec mandates that an activate for instance I must be run exactly 
once AND you cannot access an unactivated instance, SF MUST have a lock. Since 
T1 was first, it gets it, T2 is blocked

        T1: get lock L -> pass
        T2: get L -> block
        T1: create instance I
        T1: inject fields in I
        T1: activate I
        T1: unlock L
        T2: get lock L -> pass
        T2: get initialized instance I
        T2: unlock L
        T2: use I
        T1: use I
Since I can only be reached through the getService call, which will call the 
ServiceFactory.getService, it is impossible for a thread Tx to not pass the 
lock in the Service Factory SF for S. Thus, T2 always sees I after T1 finished 
activating it. Ergo, there is no need to use volatile for a static variable.

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens


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