Grzegorz Grzybek wrote
> Hello
> I like the idea of "only one PM is used" - or rather I don't like the
> idea of using a whole array of all available
> implementations.
> In my particular case I wanted to provide "encrypting file persistence
> manager" - ideally I wanted to wrap existing FilePersistenceManager,
> so it saves/loads encrypted properties.
> The first problem was that I couldn't unregister default FPM, so I had
> to do some injection magic to replace first element of
> array.
>> - the file PM is not registered as a service anymore
> I'd like to be able to get it anyway (to implement "wrapping"
> persistence managers) - like configmanager is told to use
> (&(,
> but the encrypting PM itself could wrap *published*
> (&(

Thanks for the info, so yes, this is a case to continue registering the
default PM.



Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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