Dear Felix community,

during the last weeks Andrei Dulvac and I worked on a small framework to
check if an OSGi based system is fully up.

Our work originated in testing sling modules and whole sling instances. We
soon found though that the concept is more general than sling and can be
applied to any OSGi based system.

The system readiness framework has a SystemReadinessMonitor service that
reports the aggregated state of the system. It delegates to
SystemReadinessCheck services that each check for a certain aspect. We
implemented a first check based on a list of expected top level services.
The system can be customised by adding specific checks for your
application. For example we plan to add sling specific checks inside the
sling project.

In addition to simply detecting if the system is ready we also created a DS
based root cause analysis that can be very helpful to detect why a set of
components does not come up as expected.

We would like to donate this project to the Apache Felix project as it
might get more attention there by people that are not related to sling. The
project is Apache licensed from the start and we already got a basic
documentation as well as good test coverage.

We currently host it in this github repository:

The packages are still mentioning sling but of course we would change this
to felix if this community is interested in the donation.

Best regards

Christian and Andrei

Christian Schneider

Computer Scientist

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