I have seen some behavior with Share Account and Dividend.
I initiated a dividend payout of 100,000 to 4 clients with shares as below

*Product>>Share Product>>Share Account (product name)>>Dividends*
NameDividend Period Start DateDividend Period End DateDividend AmountStatus
Share Account 01 January 2017 31 December 2017 100,000 Dividend Approved

*Client Name*

*No. of Shares*


38 (approved)               1 pending approval


40 (approved)


6 (approved)




*84 (approved)               1 pending approval*

The distribution of dividend is as follow which to me is wrong.

Client NameShare AccountDividend AmountStatus
Asienzo Clara 21-00001-0 29,260.01 Dividend Initiated
Mureo Stella 21-00002-3 61,078.95 Dividend Initiated
Drani Joseph 21-00003-1 8,192.8 Dividend Initiated
Amatura Women's Group 21-00004-0 1,468.24 Dividend Initiated

   1. ‌Dividend per share = 100,000/84 = 1,190.48 ==> This is because there
   are 84 approved shares, the 1 pending approval doesn't get dividend.
   2. Amatura Women's Group doesn't qualify for dividend because there is
   no share purchased though they have opened a share account.
   3. To me the share distribution table should be as below:-

Client NameShare AccountDividend AmountStatus
Asienzo Clara 21-00001-0 45,238.24 Dividend Initiated
Mureo Stella 21-00002-3 47,619.2 Dividend Initiated
Skyline Technologies 21-00003-1 7,142.88 Dividend Initiated
Amatura Women's Group 21-00004-0 0 Dividend Initiated

   1. After dividend has been approved, there is no option for posting
   dividend both at product level and share account level. So dividend just
   remains in *approved *status(state), yet i see
   file Line 188 a *case POSTED:* switch statement. Was this incomplete.
   This i a huge block as clients are not getting their dividend posted to the
   linked savings account.

If this can be solved, it will be of great help especially to SACCO and
other credit unions using share modules.

Ippez Robert

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