Hello Juhan and Awasum,

Thank you very much for the feedback.

Juhan, thanks once more for testing...I would have liked us to test
demo-server with *provision=true, persistent=true AND lite=true too* given
that the PoC I put out there was just for the minimal set of services.

Awasum, Yes, I do have more details which I'll be sharing soon.

P/S, you both replied to a discussion on a completely different thread.
Maybe be head back to the right thread and continue there ;-) .

At Your Service,
Isaac Kamga.

On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 12:48 PM Awasum Yannick <awa...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Juhan,
> Thanks for verifying. What could be the problem?
> Isaac, do you have more details?
> On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 12:01 PM Juhan Aasaru <aas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> good point, Awasum.
>> it seems database "playground" is created but inside it there are no
>> tables created.
>> Juhan
>> Kontakt Awasum Yannick (<awa...@apache.org>) kirjutas kuupƤeval R, 3.
>> mai 2019 kell 12:50:
>>> Thanks very much Juhan for the thorough QA and Dev work.
>>> I learnt alot.
>>> Is the playground postgres DB been created and used?
>>> On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 9:18 AM Juhan Aasaru <aas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Isaac,
>>>> Sorry abou the delay in my response. I did test out your code now and
>>>> found some issues.
>>>> Here is what I did:
>>>> I pulled the newest code from your forks.
>>>> I'm running PostgreSQL and Cassandra inside Docker, so I cleaned the
>>>> containers to loose any previous state.
>>>> Then I ran:
>>>> java -Ddemoserver.persistent=true -Ddemoserver.provision=true
>>>> -Dcustom.cassandra.contactPoints=
>>>> -Dcassandra.cluster.user=cassandra -Dcassandra.cluster.pwd=password
>>>> -Ddemoserver.lite=true -jar demo-server-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>> In the logs I see that the migrations to database get applied without
>>>> errors and the applications get started.
>>>> There was however an error by Provisioner that database "seshat" didn't
>>>> exist but it seems that the service
>>>> managed to recover fromt his and create the database itself. Or should
>>>> I have created database "seshat" myself?
>>>> Then I started fims-web-app and I managed to log in.
>>>> What I didn't manage to do was to create an headquarter office
>>>> I filled in the details in fims-web-app and from developer console
>>>> under Networking I see
>>>> that the request is sent to http://localhost:4200/api/office/v1/offices
>>>> and it gets 202 (Accepted) as response:
>>>> Payload:
>>>> { "identifier": "OF123", "name": "Office name", "description": null,
>>>> "address": { "street": "Street", "city": "City", "postalCode": "",
>>>> "region": null } }
>>>> But when the app makes a request:
>>>> http://localhost:4200/api/office/v1/offices/OF123
>>>> it gets 404 (not found).
>>>> In the logs I see:
>>>> 10:06:11.670 [async-processor-4] WARN
>>>> o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23502
>>>> 10:06:11.671 [async-processor-4] ERROR
>>>> o.h.e.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - ERROR: null value in column "id"
>>>> violates not-null constraint
>>>>   Detail: Failing row contains (null, null, OF123, Office name, null,
>>>> operator, 2019-05-03 10:06:11.663, null, null).
>>>> If I compare the new Postgre DB scripts with old MariaDB scripts then I
>>>> see that in MariaDB/MySQL the ID fields are AUTO_INCREMENT:
>>>>   id               BIGINT        NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>>>> but in your postgresql flyway *.sql scripts you don't create any
>>>> sequences and you don't use serial type. You have just:
>>>> So there is nothing to create ID-s for new records. So I changed in
>>>> fineract-cn-office/*.sql files all "id BIGINT NOT NULL" into:
>>>> id SERIAL,
>>>> this is basically Postgres version of AUTO_INCREMENT (and you don't
>>>> have to specify data type), you can read more abut it here:
>>>> http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-serial/
>>>> Now I cleaned Posgre database, rebuilt fineract-cn-office and restarted
>>>> the server and then I managed to create offices
>>>> in fims-web-app.
>>>> So what you need to do is everywhere where there was AUTO_INCREMENT in
>>>> *.sql files you need to use SERIAL.
>>>> So almost there! Please let me know if you have gone over all the *sql
>>>> files and I will test again.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Juhan
>>>> Kontakt Isaac Kamga (<isaac.ka...@mifos.org>) kirjutas kuupƤeval N,
>>>> 27. detsember 2018 kell 03:26:
>>>>> Hey Juhan,
>>>>> Yes, I've been following the updates to the How-To-Build page.
>>>>> I'm happy the clarification was helpful and you've improved Step 3. I
>>>>> also
>>>>> updated the demo-server and service-starter repositories to enable the
>>>>> Fineract CN build happen in less time. Kindly update your respective
>>>>> repositories and build once more to provide more feedback.
>>>>> Keep up the good work.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Isaac Kamga.
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 11:14 PM Juhan Aasaru <aas...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > Thanks, Isaac for clearing up the confusion.
>>>>> > Based on your explanations I also restructured Step 3 to make it
>>>>> easier to
>>>>> > follow.
>>>>> > Please review if you have a moment.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Kind regards
>>>>> > Juhan Aasaru
>>>>> >

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