Hello Devs,

I would like to revive the topic discussed in the previous mail.

I have been running Fineract CN on EclipseLink and PostgreSQL for a
while now and I believe it's ready to be merged into the develop branches.
But before that, it is paramount that other experienced developers in the
community examine what has been done so far and QA it.

Simply execute this script
get all the necessary branches.

*PS: *I have experienced better performance with PostgreSQL and EclipseLink
on my workstation.

For instance, Application Startup + Provisioning took 14 mins
                      Application Startup alone took 12 mins

With MariaDB and Hibernate out of the way, we will be closer to making
Fineract CN compliant. On top of that, if we are able to upgrade the spring
versions, this should significantly improve Fineract CN's response time,
performance and memory usage.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 04:47, Ebenezer Graham <egraha...@alustudent.com>

> Hello Fineracters,
> I just finished integrating EclipseLink into Fineract CN. I would like to
> request your participation in the testing of the new ORM. Your constructive
> feedback will help me to fine-tune the integration and resolve all known
> issues with PostgreSQL.
> *Approach Used *
> Migrating from Hibernate to EclipseLink in Spring is actually very simple
> and seamless.
> 1. I simply removed hibernate core and entity-manager from spring-data-jpa
> [1]
> 2. Then, I added the recommended EclipseLink JPA dependency [2] to the
> MariaDB and PostgreSQL libraries.
> 4. I extended the JpaBaseConfiguration and configured it to use
> EclipseLink as the provider. As discussed earlier, Spring provides an
> adapter for EclipseLink so it was quite straightforward.
> 5. One critical decision I made, was choosing static weaving over the
> default dynamic weaving done at runtime. Static weaving improves
> performance and stability as it occurs during build-time. In addition, this
> approach is recommended for large applications with lots of entities. Read
> more at [3] and let me know what you think.
> Please conduct your tests and report any issues on this thread so that I
> can work on them.
> *Testing EclipseLink and PostgreSQL*
> You can test EclipseLink and PostgreSQL by using this script [4]. The
> eclipselink-test-setup script will clone and publish the relevant artefacts.
> NB: Remember to shut down your Postgres server when doing component tests
> so that the embedded db can start.
> NB: Use this for full integration tests
> java -Ddemoserver.persistent=true -Dcustom.cassandra.contactPoints=
> -Dcassandra.cluster.user=cassandra
> -Dcassandra.cluster.pwd=password -Dcustom.postgresql.host=localhost
> -Dcustom.postgresql.user=postgres -jar
> ~/<fineract-cn-dir>/integration-tests/fineract-cn-demo-server/build/libs/demo-server-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
> NB: The logs are a bit excessive as I'm currently outputting all
> EclipseLink logs but once testing is over, I will tone it down.
> I have conducted component test for each microservice and a full
> integration test. A few tests failed during the component test however, the
> causes are not from the ORM but the test cases themselves. I will try and
> fix them once I have met all of my milestones for this project or raise
> issues for them in Jira.
> *Known Issues in Postgres (My current focus):*
> 1. ERROR: relation "khepri_beats" does not exist. click on the link at [5]
> to see the full log. This issue is not directly related to the ORM. I
> actually identified this error whiles testing Postgres and Hibernate. This
> is related to Postgres and I am currently looking into it.
> 2. Error: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many
> clients already. click on the link [6] to see the full log.
> *Solution*, Increase max_connections found in the postgresql.conf. *260*
> worked for me.
> Rational, each microservice can have up to 20 unique connections to the db
> per the BoneCP configuration.
> Also, you can test EclipseLink and MariaDB by pulling the FINCN-2 branch
> into fineract-cn-mariadb link [7] and rebuilding all of the microservices.
> *Identified Issue when using embedded dbs in full integration test  *
> Tenant context not set, resulting in this error [8]
> Which brings me to my concern about MariaDB. Given that MariaDB is not
> compliant with Apache, can I safely assume that it's not relevant to
> migrate it's ORM as well?
> Looking forward to hearing from you all.
> *At your service,*
> Graham.
> [1]
> https://github.com/ebenezergraham/fineract-cn-postgresql/blob/FINCN-2/build.gradle#L76-L80
> [2]
> https://github.com/ebenezergraham/fineract-cn-postgresql/blob/FINCN-2/build.gradle#L74
> / https://www.baeldung.com/spring-eclipselink
> [3]
> https://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/UserGuide/JPA/Advanced_JPA_Development/Performance/Weaving/Static_Weaving
> https://pastebin.com/FDAzd6bx
> [4]
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ebenezergraham/fineract-cn-demo-server/FINCN-2/scripts/Unix/eclipselink-test-setup.sh
> [5] https://pastebin.com/WFQ9satu
> [6] https://pastebin.com/M8GAHsit
> [7] https://github.com/ebenezergraham/fineract-cn-mariadb/tree/FINCN-2
> [8] https://pastebin.com/FDAzd6bx

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