
I have improved Postman provisioning scripts located under
https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-docker-compose/. I would like to
complete the provisioning scripts but as some logic is not working for me I
need help. *Vishwas, Courage, Myrle, Awasum, Ebenezer, Isaac or anyone
else, if you have time, plese look into this as provisioning is needed for
everyone. *Also if anyone could explain what should be happening it would
be easier to solve the issues or at least get the bugs logged in Jira.

When I started to imporve the initial scripts created by Vishwas I
investigated the provisioning in Demo server and also I looked bash
provisioning scripts that Courage has created earlier but I didn't find
answers to these questions from there.

What currently works with Postman:
* creating a tenant
* creating an application
* assigning an application to a tenant
* creating roles (like admin and scheduler)
* creating users with specific role
* creating members/customers
* creating ledgers and accounts (full chart of accounts)
* creating and activating products

*What doesn't work (need your help!):*

When testing scripts I had following micro services running: provisioner,
rhythm, identity, customer, accounting, deposit, portfolio, fims-web-app

1. With rhythm I still get error relation "khepri_beats" does not exist -
this is also registered as FINCN-177
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINCN-177> by me. After I
increased rhythm.beatCheckRate to 600000 it takes more time for this error
to occur in logs. I wonder if other errors could be caused by rhythym not
functioning. Also at what point should this table be created?

2. I cannot enable privileges (at steps 06.5 and 06.6 in Postman):

PUT http://{{identityUrl}}

PUT http://{{identityUrl}}

I get error:
"message": "Application permission 'rhythm-v1.identity__v1__app_self'
doesn't exist.",


"message": "Application permission 'rhythm-v1.portfolio__v1__khepri'
doesn't exist.",
should I do anything before issuing these commands? Is this needed at all?
If I look into cassandra keyspace playground table
isis_application_permissions then it is empty. Anyone knows when should the
values be created there?

3. I create scheduler user imhotep (and change password to 26500BC) but
what else should I do with this user? Feed it to some application? Why is
this role and user created in demo server?

4. I cannot connect product with a customer (at step 11.1 in Postman)
I post the following JSON to http://{{depositUrl}}/deposit/v1/instances

  "productIdentifier": "savingsProduct001",
  "beneficiaries": [
  "customerIdentifier": "customer10"
I get 202 status code back but requesting user products after that:
still returns an empty list. The same occurs when using fims-web-app to
link customer with a product. Should I have any other micro services
running besides the one named above?

4. One more question regarding last one - what is the point of
beneficiaries section? Could anyone please explain?

5. I have no idea how connect a user with a specific customer (to simulate
customer logging in one one's own behalf). How should that work?

I hope someone can answer at least some of the questions.


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