Hi Rohit!

I'm very glad you are willing to work on Fineract-CN.
There is a lot of discussion points here and these need some time to think
However I think it is a very good plan to pick topics one by one and start
to move ahead.
I am ready to help you on the way.

As a first goal I propose updating versions of Spring Boot and Spring.
As you indicated you have alread done that on your fork, let's try to get
this into common code base.

Shortly I will create a new thread in the dev mailing list for Spring Boot
update, let's keep that discussion there
and rest of the discussion here.

Kind regards

Kontakt Rohit Verma (<rohit.verma@jupiter.money>) kirjutas kuupƤeval K, 22.
jaanuar 2020 kell 12:20:

> Hi Juhan,
> Thanks for taking your time and going through the proposal. Yes I
> completely agree that fineract cn need to do a little of catchup with
> respect to spring and we have actually taken a similar step of creating an
> application leveraging existing template and using that for orchestration.
> I completely agree with your thoughts at the same time I would love to
> contribute back while I am building for my team. These are some of our
> internal thoughts which we had.
> I am thinking out loud, can we do better SOC, can we delegate better. Can
> we do RBAC,ABAC etc better, etc... Would love to go through the list some
> time with you, but yeah this is just for starting.
> Also the fact that you need an orchestration engine/gateway for your
> instance of fineract-cn kind of aligns to this that there are few things
> still missing.
> Lets come back to the initial request for a more separated authentication,
> I think we can understand why we needed SAML, oauth, openid-connect etc,
> and since we have those things for validating the idps, its highly possible
> that we can use the same, we implement our own identity provider service
> (somewhat simpler version of current identity module), use roles like
> customer, L1 support, L2 support, Manager etc...
> It's good that we build that thing, but different orgs have different
> structures and they usually want to merge their structures with the
> product.  The whole idea is to break the system in some standard way,
> 1. An Identity Provider
> 2. An authorization Server
> 3. A resource server
> We are integrating Ory in our suite (I am a go developer working with
> java), I encourage you to take a small look.
> Now when we say fineract-CN (cloud native), I believe its not a bad thing
> to bind our architecture with Kubernetes, there are millions of cloud
> native product  in kubernetes family and we should embrace that.
> Things like Prometheus, Jaeger, coredns are usually close friends.
> I am not aware what's the plan for fineract on moving towards kubernetes,
> or going with a complete container native engine.
> Its usually considered that the runtime doesn't meant a whole while
> architecting the things, but if we are building something for 1 Billion
> Indians, we have to take some extra things in consideration.
> Horizontal scaling takes over vertical scaling, NIO takes over servlets
> etc...
> We had started moving the libraries initially and did failed some issues
> within there only. But yeah we have updated the versions.
> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-lang/compare/develop...jupitermoney:update
> We respect few decisions as well e.g. Postgres and cassandra are very well
> suited, but want to replace MQ with kafka with even selectors as partitions
> etc...
> Similarly I want to know more about your opinion on webflux vs servlet and
> r2db vs jdbc (
> https://dzone.com/articles/introduction-to-reactive-apis-with-postgres-r2dbc)
> etc...
> Again I want to let you know that we want to make the systems supported
> more of horizontal scaling.
> Some common issues with standard jdbc pools in microservices is, if we are
> maintaining a connection pool(e.g. 20 cap). with one microservice, as we
> scale the instance to 20, now we need a db which supports 20*20 poolsize.
> There are many solutions to this but this one usually requires less
> worries.
> I noticed that lang project is also creating some filters and that's
> seems the root of tree.
> I can commit that I would love to devote my next few months making
> fineract more cloudnative and updated, just keep guiding me :)
> Lets pick the topics 1 by 1 and move ahead.
> If you want I can start opening github issues, we can discuss things on
> each and then get that done.
> Regards
> Rohit
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 12:56 PM Juhan Aasaru <aas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rohit!
>> Your requirements are very specific to your organization and use case but
>> we here have to keep Fineract-CN open for anyone.
>> So I wouldn't except getting the underlying technologies changed to some
>> alternative unless the existing technology would have
>> a serios drawback. But of course you are welcome to take Fineract and
>> change it to what you need for your organisation.
>> I find it hard to answer your questions because they are two broad.
>> I would expect much more specific questions with much more detail.
>> As I cannot answer your questions I will share my own principles that I
>> have followed when building on top of Fineract-CN.
>> My take is to change as little as possible within Fineract itself and add
>> all the custom logic to a new micro service.
>> One reason for this is that when something is fixed or added to Fineract
>> then it is possible for me to update my internal code base.
>> If my internal code base would have a lot of changes I wouldn't be able
>> to update any more in the future.
>> And also I wouldn't be able to give my internal changes back to the
>> common code base.
>> I have a separate gateway application in front of Fineract and it has its
>> own authentication with the clients.
>> It maps the authentication with the external world to the authentication
>> with the internal Fineract cn micro services.
>> The internal JWT tokens are not visible to the outside world.
>> All the requests (except changing the password) go through this gateway
>> application. It is based on
>> Fineract-cn-template - a template for new micro services in fineract-cn.
>> When I want to create a customer and an account
>> then I call an endpoint in my gateway that then creates a command and the
>> command handler calls
>> create customer in fineract-cn-customer and create account on
>> finerac-cn-deposit. So it is kind of aggregator
>> of the internal calls.
>> I'm running it in Docker and Eureka (that is also a client side load
>> balancer) is not the best technology for
>> Docker (which is a server-side load balancer by its nature). But I
>> haven't run to change the technology because
>> Feign that is used in Fineract-Cn gives me an ability to call the micro
>> services on code level, rather than
>> making raw calls to HTTP endpoints. So this saves me a lot of time from
>> coding.
>> In my opinion the biggest drawback with the current situation of
>> Fineract-CN is that it is based on Spring Boot 1.4.
>> I checked one of your forks
>> https://github.com/apache/fineract-cn-identity/compare/develop...jupitermoney:develop
>> and I see that you haven't updated to Spring Boot 2.x either. I haven't
>> done it either due to lack of time.
>> The problem is that when you start to build micro services to Fineract-CN
>> and you use Fineract-Cn-template
>> as template then you have to base your new code also on Spring Boot 1.4
>> which means you are producing
>> out-of-date code from day #1. So My biggest worry is currently that how
>> we could aling efforts of the community
>> to update to new version of Spring Boot. If we don't solve this problem
>> then there is little benefit from adding
>> other features or chaning underlying technologies as it all becomes out
>> of date.
>> Juhan
>> Kontakt Rohit Verma (<rohit.verma@jupiter.money.invalid>) kirjutas
>> kuupƤeval K, 15. jaanuar 2020 kell 06:21:
>>> All communications are about fineract-CN, not fineract 1.X.
>>> I have upgraded the dependencies of spring boot and spring, but facing
>>> some issues with new cassandra driver.
>>> The updated code is in jupitermoney fork in update branch.
>>> To start with my initial requirement, we actually want to facilitate 2
>>> factor authentication, thus we are thinking of bringing in cognito as the
>>> authentication provider, where end to end authorization is through jwt.
>>> Do you have any idea's about what would be a good starting point?
>>> Regards
>>> Rohit
>>> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 3:38 AM Awasum Yannick <awa...@apache.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rohit,
>>>> Are you talking wrt Fineract 1.x or Fineract CN. There are two projects
>>>> withing Apache Fineract. Mike, it seems Rohit is talking about Fineract CN.
>>>> I think it will be great to upgrade Spring Boot and Spring versions for
>>>> Fineract CN before looking into any of the points discussed above. Maybe
>>>> start with upgrading to gradle 5 ot 6.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Awasum
>>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 8:46 PM Michael Vorburger <m...@vorburger.ch>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Tue, 14 Jan 2020, 10:52 Rohit Verma,
>>>>> <rohit.verma@jupiter.money.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>>>> Actually we already have a way to build java project based on
>>>>>> distroless based on distroless and within our fineract forks we are using
>>>>>> that only, at this stage its just a matter of pull request.
>>>>> Oh, if you've already done it, then yes by all means do send a PR -
>>>>> looking forward to reviewing it!
>>>>> Usually for all the forks setting up ci/cd is very essential and the
>>>>>> way travis-ci limiting the free build minutes even on public projects, it
>>>>>> creates challenges for the fork.
>>>>> We haven't had any capacity issues with the current CI set-up for
>>>>> http://GitHub.com/apache/fineract, but if we do, we could certainly
>>>>> look at alternatives.
>>>>> With github-ci we have abstracted the fork specific logic to github
>>>>>> secrets, so every fork can be used to push and deploy resources in
>>>>>> different repos and on PR there won't be a diff.
>>>>>> Again I understand this is very low priority since we are talking
>>>>>> about big framework level changes. This probably would be coming through
>>>>>> some interns by the way :)
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Rohit
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 2:59 PM Michael Vorburger <m...@vorburger.ch>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Rohit,
>>>>>>> Welcome to the Apache Fineract community!
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 9:26 AM Rohit Verma
>>>>>>> <rohit.verma@jupiter.money.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>>>>> We are building over fineract a banking product. There are few
>>>>>>>> things which we want to discuss and get opinions from the experience
>>>>>>>> developers.
>>>>>>>> 1. Opinion on integrating with service-mesh functionalities, We are
>>>>>>>> looking forward to integrate, spring-cloud-kubernetes-istio to handle
>>>>>>>> discovery, config etc as well as to expose metrics.
>>>>>>>> 2. Wondering if aunbis can be replaced with jwt based
>>>>>>>> authentication/authorization in conjunction of authentication adapter 
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> aws-cognito or auth0 or okta etc. This will reduce the usage of 
>>>>>>>> permissible
>>>>>>>> feign client, simplify local demos.
>>>>>>>> 3. A faster containerization process leveraging github actions and
>>>>>>>> buildx cache
>>>>>>> you probably already saw that we currently use TravisCI for
>>>>>>> building, including validating the container build, and then Docker Hub
>>>>>>> Builds for actually producing the container in that registry. While I'm
>>>>>>> sure like anything that process could be further optimized, "it works" 
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> is, so I'm not sure it's "worth it" to spend time on that, compared to
>>>>>>> other things which would add value. Like why would we? Just to shave a 
>>>>>>> few
>>>>>>> minutes off the build times? Who cares, given so many other things which
>>>>>>> you could do that would add real value. I don't want to (and cannot ;-)
>>>>>>> stop you from innovating on this front, but that probably would be a 
>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>> low priority, for me. Providing you this feedback only because you asked
>>>>>>> for it! :-)
>>>>>>> BTW GitHub actions *are* cool - FYI
>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-829
>>>>>>>> with more hardened base image like distroless.
>>>>>>> Now THAT is entirely different - contributions on this front would
>>>>>>> be very very welcome!
>>>>>>> I've written up some thoughts about this on
>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FINERACT-830 - would you like
>>>>>>> to contribute that?
>>>>>>> 4. Building/integrating an opinionated risk assessment workflow
>>>>>>>> during loan creation process.
>>>>>>>> Please let me know your thoughts on this. Any other unrelated
>>>>>>>> recommendations are also highly appreciated.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Rohit
>>>>>>> We look forward to your contributions.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> M.
>>>>>>> _______________________
>>>>>>> Michael Vorburger
>>>>>>> http://www.vorburger.ch

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