This is quite interesting Ed.

Let's shape this ahead, do we have some specific karma rewards based
permission or we have generic roles.

I would like to work on structuring the content and frequently asked

This could be a great place for community to discuss technical question and
conduct experiment also.

Since this could be in the reach of direct users we could really use this
platform as a fundamental central knowledge repository.

I like the idea of search functionality, could you share me access as a
developer could be I can start with general configuration. I already have
technical expertise in managing discourse.


On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, 12:03 Terence Monteiro, <>

> Scott,
> An upgrade was needed and it should be working now.
> -Terence.
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 7:21 AM Scott Dunbar <>
> wrote:
>> I'm unable to access the discourse site due to some CORS issues.  Is
>> there work still being done?
>> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 10:28 AM Ed Cable <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've alluded to this in a couple posts but wanted to formally announce
>>> and soft-launch the new forum tool hosted by Mifos for both the Mifos and
>>> Fineract communities. You can check it out and begin posting at
>>> should redirect to
>>> there as well. Just click sign up to get going! Yo
>>> Discourse blends the best of both worlds of forums and mailing lists
>>> along with added tools for gamification and badging. This forum will
>>> provide a robust and user-friendly medium of collaboration that will nicely
>>> complement and augment the Fineract developer mailing list and Gitter
>>> chatrooms we already have. It will allow us to consolidate over time some
>>> of other collaboration channels like the Mifos mailing lists and
>>> MifosConnect Q&A platform. It will also enable new forms of collaboration
>>> by providing an effective medium for free-form discussion across the
>>> community beyond just developing or using the software, i.e. industry
>>> trends, etc as well as power our jobs and services marketplace to help
>>> connect users with paid support offerings.
>>> *How to Join *
>>> We are in the process of migrating user accounts from Google Groups but
>>> right now the best means to start using the forum is to click Sign Up from
>>> the top link - you can create an account using your existing Facebook,
>>> Google, or Github logins. After creating an account, feel free to edit your
>>> profile too so others can know more about yourself.
>>> *Share Your Feedback*
>>> This is a soft launch - we're working on user migration, migration of
>>> old posts/content, continuing to refine categories and topics, badges - we
>>> welcome any and all feedback and bugs or usability issues to fix. Old
>>> content still needs to be cataloged as well. Feedback on the Forum itself
>>> can be added in the Meta Category. If interested in acting as a moderator,
>>> please let me know and I'll add you.
>>> Read on below for some of the benefits of the tool. We'll put all this
>>> in a blog post with a few more details (namely around notifications/emails,
>>> etc.) to help you get the most out of the tool.
>>> Thanks to Kerlyn who led the setup and configuration of Discourse along
>>> with migration of content from our Google Groups as part of her Outreachy
>>> internship.
>>> *Improved User Experience Over Mailing Lists*
>>>    - Highly Searchable and Indexable - posts are both very discoverable
>>>    via the forum itself but also positioned well in Google searches (which 
>>> is
>>>    a downside of the Apache mailing list archives)
>>>    - Ease of Posting - WYSIWYG editor
>>>    - Mailing List Functionality - You have a range of options to be
>>>    notified- for each topic you create you will automatically get
>>>    notifications, you can also watch topics to get notified, and get 
>>> notified
>>>    when someone tags you in the topic (@username). To modify the settings 
>>> for
>>>    a topic, click the box below and select "Watching, Tracking, Normal, or
>>>    Muted". You can also get notifications at category and subcategory 
>>> levels.
>>>    To enable these notifications via email, you must navigate to your 
>>> personal
>>>    settings --> email and turn on mailing list mode. You'll then receive an
>>>    email per post and can reply via email or create new topics via email.
>>>    - Better Navigation - topics are organized by category and
>>>    sub-category along with tags.
>>>    - Better moderation of topics
>>> *Augments other Communication Channels*
>>> Discourse will nicely augment the fineract mailing list and the Mifos
>>> Gitter chatrooms - there's been a lot of interest in a community-wide slack
>>> channel and we a more robust asynchronous communication channel is better
>>> than a real-time chat tool.
>>>    - Reduce noise and chatter that's on the public mailing list
>>>    - Provide a more interactive and widespread channel for
>>>    communication than the mailing list but not as open-ended as Slack or
>>>    Gitter.
>>> *Consolidation*
>>>    - With the Fineract Dev list as the main community mailing list, the
>>>    intent of the Mifos Discourse forum is to phase out our Mifos developer 
>>> and
>>>    user mailing lists by providing a forum-like tool that you can reply to 
>>> via
>>>    email. With it's Q&A features and ability to mark posts as solved, we're
>>>    going to use the Support Section to replace our Q&A Platform, Mifos
>>>    Connect.
>>> *Improved Collaboration*
>>> Discourse' feature set and library of plug-ins will help to improve
>>> collaboration
>>>    - Working Groups - categories and/or groups can be used for our
>>>    specific working groups like DFS, Scalability & Performance, etc.
>>>    - Improved community identity - Profiles and in the future badges
>>>    can help community members better self-identify and discover others.
>>>    - Jobs & Services Marketplace - the forum like-capability and
>>>    centrality of Discourse will allow us to reinvigorate our previous 
>>> attempt
>>>    at a jobs marketplace which never took off on
>>>    - Polls and other features - a wide variety of other tools like
>>>    polls, events etc can be explored to help the community.
>>> Discourse is used by a lot of our peer projects like ODK and OpenMRS so
>>> we can share in the many lessons learned and best practices they've
>>> attained.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ed
>> --
>> Scott Dunbar
>> Cell: 303 667 6343

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