Dear Bharath,

I'm assuming that this thread is regarding making a release of the Apache
Fineract project, who's codebase lives at and which is distributed on (Mifos X, which your email is referring to, is,
technically, something slightly different, but I'll assume that a release
of Fineract is what you are raising in the thread on this project's mailing
list here. Also note that the Apache Fineract project does not, cannot,
release the community app UI, and does not maintain the staging server, as
far as I know.)

The "Team who are currently managing [the releases and codebase] of mifosx"
is a community of people from different parties who, each depending on the
time they have available, contribute their respective skills to this
project. We coordinate the project over this public mailing list.

It appears that until now, nobody had a strong enough need to create a new
release. The way a release would typically work in an open source project
like this one is just like for any bug fixes and feature development -
someone having the need has to step up to contribute! ;-)  [Or someone pays
(or begs...) someone else to contribute - but it's the same thing,

Specifically, for this request, what needs to happen for a new Fineract
release would be for someone to volunteer and step up as a "Release
Manager" for the next release...

I have just created issue
to track a possible 1.4.0 release, and contributed a number of edits to our
"How to Release Apache Fineract" page at (Including some structure
formatting, links to overall Apache release process for background, a new
"prerequisites" section which I'm hoping is helpful, and changed some of
the proposed wording for required formal emails to be more.. "directive",
and moved 2 steps earlier which seemed more logical to me).

Is there anyone reading this who would like to be the Release Manager for
Fineract 1.4.0, and work through, and if required improve upon, this
project's documented release process? (Personally I'm unlikely to be able
to have the time. I'm happy to "mentor" any other committer wanting to step
up on the required process though.)

All the best, stay safe everyone,

PS: I've also used this opportunity to clean up a bit and deleted many old
branches from now merged PRs.
Michael Vorburger

On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 9:53 AM Bharath Gowda <> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> This is to the Team who are currently managing the releases and codebase
> of mifosx,
> We are still expecting a revert on these queries.
> Additionally, I want to know the timeline of the next release tag, the
> current production release 18.03 has few bugs which have already been fixed
> on the staging server, however, the staging server codebase does not have
> any release tag on the github.
> Regards,
> Bharath
> Lead Implementation Analyst | Mifos Initiative
> Skype: live:cbharath4| Mobile: +91.7019636073
>  <>
> <>
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 12:35 PM Bharath Gowda <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have few questions regarding future mifos release version and
>> stability of the same.
>> As we are aware, the current mifos release version is 18.03.01.
>> Fineract has a latest tag of 1.4.0(
>> But community app do not have any tag after 18.03 which is way behind
>> than fineract.
>> The codebase which is running on Staging server says the release version
>> is 19.12.01 but not able to find the tag on github.
>> Also the codebase on staging has many priority issues like new loan
>> creation not happening.
>> It would be great if anyone shares some information on what could be the
>> next mifos release version and how compatible will it be with fineract
>> 1.4.0 release.
>> Regards,
>> Bharath
>> Lead Implementation Analyst | Mifos Initiative
>> Skype: live:cbharath4| Mobile: +91.7019636073
>>  <>
>> <>

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