Hi Ed,
I was curious if the meeting will just be a weekly stand up as we are
posting the exact same daily on Slack? This week, I have not posted as
regularly, but I promise follow through as I have in previous weeks.
Thank you,

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 9:23 AM Ed Cable <edca...@mifos.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We want to keep the community actively informed of the ongoing work and
> progress of our interns.
> Each Tuesday there is a weekly check-in at 1300GMT that others are welcome
> to attend.
> Here is a link to notes from our first check-in:
> https://mifosforge.jira.com/wiki/spaces/RES/pages/1469710349/June+9+Weekly+Check-In
> Recording:
> https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/wvZ7JOvCqzlOe8_N5mLtfoAmQYL8eaa82ycX-6dYnhrjs4VbihfRdqsOl5K6CraL
> Registration Link:
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84551680441?pwd=bUh4NThqVHB6TVRpNG9mc2RRL2hTZz09
> Cheers,
> Ed

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