Docker is broken in fineact-cn. I had to switch to normal java. We lost 2 hours for firing up fineact-cn af the end i gave up and i started to do:
*gradlew publishToMavenLocal *for each artifact: identity, provisioning, office the copied in a dir and added systemd services like this [Unit] Description=FineractCN Office Service auditd.service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/fineract-cn/office-service-boot.jar --spring.config.location=/opt/fineract-cn/ ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartPreventExitStatus=255 Type=notify [Install] Alias=fncnoffice.service Now is online but I seriously need to see the debug options. I had problems connecting to cassandra, it gave exceptions. I will investigate better the problem this weekend. BR, Giorgio