Let’s do that let me know your availability we can stream it also !

Let me know your preferred platform !

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, VICTOR MANUEL ROMERO RODRIGUEZ <
victor.rom...@fintecheando.mx> wrote:

> Saransh
> I would like to have a discussion, if we can record it, publish it in
> youtube for example and share the link here again, in order to allow the
> community to be in the loop.
> Does it work?
> Regards
> El lun, 25 oct 2021 a las 22:37, Saransh Sharma (<sara...@muellners.com>)
> escribió:
>> Timestamping could also be added as part of the key.
>> I agree with Victor here, we need to keep it simple, Hey @Victor Romero
>> <victor.rom...@fintecheando.mx> would you like to discuss this and
>> flesh it out together ?
>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 9:01 AM VICTOR MANUEL ROMERO RODRIGUEZ <
>> victor.rom...@fintecheando.mx> wrote:
>>> I will extend the previous email,
>>> At  asynchronous transactions:
>>> The trigger (or POST) for doing asynchronous transactions while sending
>>> notifications (email, sms, push) over MQ/JMS queues, the user/customer
>>> experience will be affected by receiving twice or more payment
>>> reminders, payment notification (they can think that the payment was
>>> applied twice), account creations, loan applications, etc and the cost
>>> associated for each message sent over the notification channel.
>>> At  journey entry:
>>> The trigger (or POST) for doing any transactions (monetary or non
>>> monetary) only 1 entry must be recorded in all the systems so then the
>>> logging and monitoring systems (fraud, alerting, etc) can correlate the
>>> transaction (using surrogate keys) and later the data scientist or data
>>> engineers won't be blaming the CBS engineering team.
>>> At  transaction caching:
>>> We got a use case where the loan origination process was taking some
>>> time to execute the process and because of the demand of the financial
>>> product people was trying to execute several times to have a loan, so then
>>> the business requirement was to keep on cache the same "loan request" if
>>> the people ID was the same (in our case the National Population ID) and not
>>> executing the query to the external systems (Credit Bureau, Black List had
>>> a high cost per each query). So then we saved execution time and money.
>>> ****TL;TR****
>>> What I am trying to express is that the level, use cases, and user
>>> history (or whatever it can be the concept about is it use) have a wide
>>> range of "idempotent" implementations for the potential solutions should be
>>> evaluated carefully depending on them.
>>> I think that the ID of the "idempotent" key should have enough
>>> entropy to avoid any collision in the middleware, cache, db or messaging
>>> level and the recording of it must be at UTC time either if it handles
>>> synchronous or asynchronous API calls.
>>> ********
>>> Best regards
>>> Victor
>>> El lun, 25 oct 2021 a las 19:39, VICTOR MANUEL ROMERO RODRIGUEZ (<
>>> victor.rom...@fintecheando.mx>) escribió:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I agree that a key must be used on the server side (Consumer) to avoid
>>>> any duplicate record, most of the time I used to look at the Software
>>>> Patterns like the Martin Fowler's articles:
>>>> https://martinfowler.com/articles/patterns-of-distributed-systems/
>>>> idempotent-receiver.html
>>>> The pattern described there is more complex than the Saransh's proposal
>>>> (which is a good starting point), there are many approaches to add this
>>>> feature (Idempotency) on Apache Fineract, which I think should be flexible
>>>> enough to handle business rules.
>>>> Idempotency can be at different levels (even using the POST/PUT),
>>>> example:
>>>> At DB level:
>>>> The POST can be executed to create a new customer and the DB table has
>>>> as a key or unique the email used in the account creating, then a
>>>> duplicated entry at DB level should be thrown and the API Rest should send
>>>> this error. Then this API Rest is Idempotent because at DB level there is a
>>>> restriction.
>>>> At API REST per business rule level:
>>>> The POST for a login should be idempotent because only one session is
>>>> created at a time per user/customer and in case of X number of failed
>>>> retries the account must  be locked for a period of time or unlocked by a
>>>> manual/automatic process. Once the session is created, if a POST for login
>>>> sends a 200 status, then for a period of time the possibility to have
>>>> another login must be blocked until the current active session expires
>>>> (expiry time is set by the digital delivery channel owner like Internet or
>>>> Mobile banking).
>>>> At API REST per consistency rule level:
>>>> The POST for doing a payment (third party same bank or interbank
>>>> transfer) the idempotency key must be used for keeping the track of the
>>>> transaction status, holding the amount, settlement or reversal of the
>>>> amount, digital receipt, digital invoice generation, accounting record,
>>>> etc) in order to avoid duplication of charges in the origin account. Even
>>>> with confirmation/warning pop ups/windows  errors occur. So then the handle
>>>> of the idempotency key must be handled and implemented in the Front end
>>>> application, the Server (and the internal consumer).
>>>> And by the way the transactions must be done at UTC time, not at TZ
>>>> (another change in the Apache Fineract's tables should be done for the
>>>> offset time zone recording) .
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Victor
>>>> El sáb, 23 oct 2021 a las 0:05, Saransh Sharma (<sara...@muellners.com>)
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> This is a curious problem in computer science and especially in
>>>>> distributed networks.
>>>>> API Idempotency is a major issue for software like Fineract,  unless
>>>>> the API handles drop off and recognize the second call or any n call as
>>>>> either duplicate or important in any given case,  like how stripe does 
>>>>> this
>>>>> by specifying a key from the client end ensures that even in case of
>>>>> failure the charge does not happen twice!
>>>>> This can lead to financial loss in case of real payment taking place!
>>>>> I think, as of right now there is no such mechanism in Fineract 1.x
>>>>> that eliminates such risk. Except, on the validation side, but that’s not
>>>>> enough.
>>>>> To have this implemented we have done some work on this last year ,
>>>>> maybe we can present some code also !
>>>>> I have used some cryptography libs to have the client-side send a
>>>>> unique key that’s generated by the private key infrastructure and the
>>>>> client-side has to send these as headers and on the server-side, the
>>>>> signatures are validated thus making the idempotency in POST and PUT
>>>>> request.
>>>>> The code on the client side
>>>>> var keys = {
>>>>>   alice: 
>>>>> '38f93bdda21a5c4a7bae4eb75bb7811cbc3eb627176805c1009ff2099263c6ad',
>>>>>   bob: 
>>>>> '09880c962437080d72f72c8c63a69efd65d086c9e7851a87b76373eb6ce9aab5'};
>>>>> // GET
>>>>> for(k in keys) {
>>>>>   var url = 'APIURL';
>>>>>   var dataToSign = url;
>>>>>   var options = {
>>>>>     url: url,
>>>>>     headers: {
>>>>>       'x-identity': auth.getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(keys[k]),
>>>>>       'x-signature': auth.sign(dataToSign, keys[k])
>>>>>     }
>>>>>   };
>>>>> The above code generates these Keys are now passed on each request to
>>>>> the server,  and the server using the middleware in case of Fineract have
>>>>> to do two things
>>>>> 1. VerifySignature
>>>>> 2. GetSinFromThePublicKey
>>>>> I started writing some code for this and quickly realized that it's
>>>>> actually doable, it requires around 20 hours of work, There are some
>>>>> dependency that needs to be added on the server side and some quick 
>>>>> changes
>>>>> on the middleware and its done.
>>>>> We presented a paper on this last year on Apache Con ! Remember
>>>>> something about using zero knowledge of proof and password less auth .
>>>>> Let me know , I would like to make sure that this gets added in this
>>>>> upcoming release.
>>>>> On Friday, October 22, 2021, James Dailey <jamespdai...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Devs -
>>>>>> Through a conversation with a computer science person, I've learned
>>>>>> that Fineract should have a clearly articulated approach with regard to
>>>>>> idempotency.  This is particularly true when thinking about how fineract
>>>>>> interacts with payment systems.
>>>>>> "When building a system to move money, it is paramount that
>>>>>> operations that move money are idempotent. Failure to do this might 
>>>>>> result
>>>>>> in accidentally double charging your customer, or paying a vendor 
>>>>>> multiple
>>>>>> times. The risk of this happening is elevated based on the way software 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> typically built today, since developers take advantage of scalable 
>>>>>> systems
>>>>>> that process multiple items in parallel. "
>>>>>> (https://www.moderntreasury.com/journal/why-idempotency-
>>>>>> matters-in-payments)
>>>>>> Or this article on Stripe engineering calling for liberal use of
>>>>>> Idempotency:
>>>>>> "The easiest way to address inconsistencies in distributed state
>>>>>> caused by failures is to implement server endpoints so that they’re
>>>>>> idempotent, which means that they can be called any number of times while
>>>>>> guaranteeing that side effects only occur once."  (
>>>>>> https://stripe.com/blog/idempotency)
>>>>>> and this article in Apache Camel
>>>>>> https://camel.apache.org/camel-kafka-connector/latest/
>>>>>> user-guide/idempotency.html
>>>>>> So, my understanding may be wrong and we've got this covered, or
>>>>>> maybe we just consider this overkill.  Perhaps there is something in the
>>>>>> "magic" that's developed in the CQRS plus in-memory database queuing and
>>>>>> our clever transaction state management, but... I don't know.
>>>>>> Or perhaps we haven't really had to think about this because we
>>>>>> haven't had that many large scale deployments and the scalability issues
>>>>>> associated with multiple parallel calls haven't come to the fore, or
>>>>>> haven't come back to the list. So, that's the intent of this email.
>>>>>> Do we have a need now for layering on Idempotency checks? What is the
>>>>>> right approach?  Has anyone already implemented this, or decided not to 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> very good reasons?   What would be the right approach to this?  Implement
>>>>>> where?  Time limited to 3 hrs?  Etc...
>>>>>> So, this is a call to discuss.  I'm far from an expert on this.
>> --
>> Saransh Sharma
>> *Research Partner*
>> *Muellner Internet Pvt Ltd *
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