
On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 2:37 AM VICTOR MANUEL ROMERO RODRIGUEZ <> wrote:

> Aleks,
> Just to say congratulations!!!
> Regards
> Victor
> El mié, 13 abr 2022 a las 18:18, Aleksandar Vidakovic (<>)
> escribió:
>> Hi everyone,
>> ... if you followed the mailing list and the PR requests on Github in
>> recent weeks and months you probably know that we merged quite a list of
>> new features, improvements and the usual bug fixes. In fact, I think we had
>> a pretty decent run looking at what was already accomplished  and the
>> almost completed changes:
>>    - DONE: Migrated all old Spring XML configuration to Spring Java
>>    configuration
>>    - DONE: Major JAX-RS Jersey upgrade from 1.x to 2.x
>>    - DONE: Major improvements to make Fineract more configurable
>>    (without recompiles); database configuration cleaned up, SSL, cache,
>>    connection pool are completely configurable now, no more hardcoded values
>>    - DONE: Proper use of environment variables for configuration;
>>    properties based configuration to select authentication scheme (again, no
>>    recompiles)
>>    - DONE: Improved and faster Docker image builds with Google JIB
>>    - DONE: Introduced Asciidoc for documentation (existing documentation
>>    migrated, ongoing effort)
>>    - DONE: Support for JDK17 LTS (was JDK11 LTS previously)
>>    - DONE: Automatic Gradle project versioning (was previously done
>>    manually, Gradle plugin takes care of this now based on Git information)
>>    - DONE: Dropped Drizzle JDBC driver; using now MariaDB JDBC driver
>>    (that we can package with the distribution)
>>    - DONE: Added support for PostgreSQL
>>    - DONE: Replaced OpenJPA with EclipseLink
>>    - DONE: Replaced Flyway with Liquibase for database migration
>>    - DONE: Introduction of Lombok to reduce boilerplate code (ongoing
>>    effort)
>>    - DONE: Fixed Sonar security hotspots
>>    - DONE: Introduced Cucumber BDD testing
>>    - DONE: Work on making Fineract more modular started
>>    - DONE: Build speed improvements
>>    - DONE: Node aware job schedulers
>>    - WIP: Alternative implementation for the reporting module based on
>>    Eclipse BIRT (replacing Pentaho hosted at mifos)
>>    - WIP: (Semi-) automatic releases with JReleaser
>>    - WIP: Enforcement of architecture rules with ArchUnit
>>    - WIP: Publish most recent documentation with every merge to develop
>>    - WIP: Publish release and latest development stable Docker image on
>>    Docker Hub
>>    - WIP: Migrate integration tests to Cucumber and replace test
>>    infrastructure (Gradle Cargo Tomcat plugin, external MariaDB setup) with
>>    ready to use Testcontainers (working on test speed)
>>    - ... and not to forget the numerous functional improvements!
>> Let me take a moment to thank everyone who contributed with code and
>> ideas, but also everyone who tried and tested Fineract and gave valuable
>> feedback for bug fixes and improvements.
>> I hope I didn't forget anything important in the list above, but I think
>> it's safe to say that all these changes taken together are quite an
>> important step forward. If you have a moment please also have a look at
>> this year's GSoC proposals; quite an impressive list there and I hope that
>> most if not all of the projects find their way into the upstream codebase
>> this year. And finally we have more new features and improvements in
>> preparation (that's maybe for a separate post).
>> This is why I'd like to suggest having a new release 1.7.0 beginning/mid
>> May 2022.
>> The main focus recently has been to polish off some rough edges we might
>> still have and most importantly to beef up the documentation for all the
>> new features, but also to improve the existing documentation.
>> Please let us know what you think and what else you need/would like to
>> see in this release.
>> Cheers,
>> Aleks

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