Hi All,

I am happy to announce that the Apache Fineract PMC recently voted to add
Javier as a Fineract Committer and we are delighted to say that He has
accepted our invitation.

Javier has been a long-time contributor to Mifos and then Apache Fineract
over the past years. He has been busily Organizing the Fineract and FinTech
track of ApacheCon over the past 5 editions. Javier also evangelizes and
takes every opportunity to showcase and talk about Fineract whenever he has
the chance has been key to introducing Fineract to some of our most
important contributors.

We are very happy to have him as a Committer for Apache Fineract.

Please join me in Congratulating Javier on a well-deserved recognition.

Awasum Yannick.

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