All - ApacheCON North America was in New Orleans this past week and there were a number of Fineract'ers there. Most, but not all, of the talks in the FinTech track involved Fineract in some way. (There were also some great talks on devOps and keynotes on a variety of topics.)
To share some key observations that relate to the roadmap and direction of the project: * we have code debt in the loan modules, and a clear need to re-implement / refactor * we have strong test results that show fineract can scale * fineract can be utilized as an Account Management System (AMS) in some internal set ups * there are a number of companies utilizing fineract whose outside work is not making it back in, suggesting perhaps an architectural issue * there are a number of proposals (some inconsistent with each other?) for enhancing the fineract project I'll help to upload to the wiki and we should see some of the outputs from the conference show up on our wiki and in the list. The entire community should have a chance to look and evaluate. The roadmap and project direction should come from the PMC (project management committee) with input and active engagement, from the broader community. That's my understanding based on conversations this past week. As always, the project moves forward (or not) on the roadmap because of contributions to the project. It was great seeing some of you there - hopefully more will attend in the future. It was useful to meet up in person. I hope others want to comment as well. Adelante @jdailey Seattle