Impressive 👍

On Tue, Jun 6, 2023, 00:58 Petri Tuomola <> wrote:

> Excellent work - well done! Very happy to see all these important upgrades
> being implemented.
> Regards
> Petri
> On Tue, 6 Jun 2023, 03:50 Arnold Galovics, <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wanted to notify everybody in advance that a bigger change is coming
>> into Fineract.
>> For a longer period Spring Boot 3 has been out as well as a newer
>> EclipseLink from which we've been using a version that has been initially
>> released in 2017.
>> With some of the contributors we've started to separate out certain
>> pieces of Fineract into project modules for easier maintainability, we
>> naturally encountered a couple of issues. Unfortunately EclipseLink wasn't
>> properly supporting multi-module projects which eventually led to the
>> decision to finally do an upgrade.
>> As always, when jumping major versions (to EclipseLink 4.0.0) there were
>> issues. A lot of the dependencies we have were cross dependent on each
>> other and a lot of other unwanted dependencies have to be upgraded too.
>> This doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing but it definitely increased the
>> initial scope of the work we took on.
>> With that said, let me give you a really brief update on some of the
>> major things happening:
>> - Spring Boot 2 -> Spring Boot 3
>> - EclipseLink 2.7 -> 4.0
>> - javax -> jakarta
>> - Groovy 3 -> Groovy 4
>> - and a few other plugins and dependencies
>> And now comes the fun part. With the EclipseLink upgrade, the javax to
>> jakarta namespace upgrade inevitably came as well. That's a breaking change
>> unfortunately and cannot be avoided. Note that this would've been coming
>> anyway with the Spring Boot upgrade as well.
>> Now, this might cause some turbulence with your current Fineract
>> deployment.
>> If you're using Fineract with Spring Boot embedded Tomcat, you're good to
>> go, the change should be smooth for you.
>> If you're using Fineract as a WAR with a standalone Tomcat or other
>> application server, you probably need to upgrade your application server to
>> be compatible with the jakarta namespace; in case of Tomcat, you need to
>> use 10.x+ version, for others please see their manuals.
>> I know this has been a long mail but I hope you made it this far and gave
>> you some valuable information on the upgrade.
>> Best,
>> Arnold

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