All -  To keep everyone informed, in May we voted to add some formality to
significant efforts at Fineract, and added this to our Wiki as

When there is a major change or a major contribution, we aim to use a
DISCUSS, VOTE, TRACK process. Please see:

We have effectively adopted 4 SIPs in the last six weeks, as a bit of a
backlog had developed.  Each of these are "in progress" and thus will
either be tracked until conclusion, or be closed for lack of activity.

SIP 1 - Modular Security Arch
SIP 2 - Scarf data tracking
SIP 3 - New Progressive loan framework
SIP 4 - Cucumber test framework

To be clear, any contributor to the community is welcome to propose a SIP,
and each SIP will be documented on the email listserv. All contributors are
welcome to weigh in, and PMC members formally vote to approve or reject as
per our normal practices.

SIPs are somewhat subjective, but are intended to put the Community on
notice of a major change, to create a consensus around a significant change
to the code base, or to propose a new approach to the project that needs
more engagement by a wider set of users and contributors. Everything should
lead to tickets in Jira and more discussion on the listserv.

PMC Chair

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