> On Nov 28, 2016, at 7:54 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <ro...@shaposhnik.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 4:53 AM, Myrle Krantz <mkra...@mifos.org> wrote:
>> Hi Mentors,
>> As you know Apache Fineract has a UI project which Mifos did not donate to
>> the ASF because it's not licensable in the way the ASF requires.  This has
>> been a major communication challenge.  We've split the communication across
>> two lists, even though newbies don't understand the difference between the
>> UI and the backend code, and even though many discussions impact both.
>> At the ApacheCon I was asked if we have any volunteer opportunites for
>> non-techies.  Mifos does, and among those are translations or documentation
>> which are definitely more prevalent in the UI.
>> So here's the question (s): Is there any objection to us creating tickets
>> for non-Apache code in the Apache's Jira, or moving documentation of the UI
>> to Apache's Confluence? Is there any reason we should be careful about
>> having discussions about the UI on the Apache mailing list?
>> Because if we could move these kinds of communications into one channel,
>> instead of the two it currently is split between, it might help alleviate
>> some of the confusion...
> Since what gets developed at ASF is basically the engine -- I'd assume that
> multiple different UIs would be possible. Hence it seems to me that a more
> natural relationship would be the other way around: folks working on Mifos
> point at ASF JIRA, etc. Btw, does Mifos have a publicly available, developer
> friendly tracker and wiki infrastructure?


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