Hi Zayyad

Thank you for the clarification.
The workaround worked


"Zayyad A. Said" <zay...@intrasofttechnologies.com> wrote:

>The issue is you are trying to calculate monthly interest with weekly 
>repayment schedules.
>I have seen this as well and the workaround we have been using is to divide 
>the monthly interest by 4 and then multiply by 52 to get annual rate.
>Configure the product with interest per year then see if you will get right 
>interest using weekly schedules.
>Zayyad A. Said
>Sent from Samsung tablet
>Mexina Daniel <mex...@singo.co.tz> wrote:
>Hi Santosh
>For what i know
>If PrincipalĀ  = 50,000, interest = 3% for month
>This means the interest charged for one month is 1500 and for 3 months 
>it will be 4500.
>Now in Mifos: when you configure the same principal and interest but 
>repaid every week for 12 weeks (= 3months) it gives total interest 4,154.
>The interest for 1 week should be 375 but the system says it is 346 ( 
>gives 4154 after 12 repayment)
>On 02/14/2017 04:26 PM, Santosh Math wrote:
>> Hi Mexina,
>> Could you give me the formula which you are using to calculate interest?
>> On Feb 14, 2017 6:38 PM, "Mexina Daniel" <mex...@singo.co.tz> wrote:
>>> Hi Santosh
>>> I did check it with "Currency multiple of" 1, it still gives wrong interest
>>> https://demo.openmf.org/#/viewloanaccount/625
>>> When you configure loan term in months and repaid every 1 month it give
>>> correct interest with both "Currency multiple of" 1 and "Currency multiple
>>> of" 100.
>>> Regards
>>> On 02/14/2017 01:40 PM, Santosh Math wrote:
>>>> Hi Mexina,
>>>> I thinkĀ  you set 'Currency in Multiple of ' 100 and it is rounding off to
>>>> nearest 100th value. Check it again with 'Currency in Multiple of' as 1.
>>>> https://demo.openmf.org/#/editloanproduct/144
>>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Mexina Daniel <mex...@singo.co.tz>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi dev!
>>>>> When you apply a loan and configure loan term 12 weeks, number of
>>>>> repayment 12 and repaid every 1 week, the system wrongly calculate
>>>>> interest
>>>>> I reproduced this in https://demo.openmf.org/#/viewloanaccount/624
>>>>> Am i setting it wrong somewhere?
>>>>> Thank in advance
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mexina M Daniel
>>>>> Lead Software Developer
>>>>> Research & Development
>>>>> Tel:+255 222 618 511 | Mob: +255 712 110 791
>>>>> Singo Africa Limited
>>>>> Block G,Mbezi Beach B| 7 Nakawale Road| P.O.Box 78908| 14121 Dar es
>>>>> Salaam
>>>>> singo.co.tz
>>>>> Lets grow together
>>> --
>>> Mexina M Daniel
>>> Lead Software Developer
>>> Research & Development
>>> Tel:+255 222 618 511 | Mob: +255 712 110 791
>>> Singo Africa Limited
>>> Block G,Mbezi Beach B| 7 Nakawale Road| P.O.Box 78908| 14121 Dar es Salaam
>>> singo.co.tz
>>> Lets grow together
>Mexina M Daniel
>Lead Software Developer
>Research & Development
>Tel:+255 222 618 511 | Mob: +255 712 110 791
>Singo Africa Limited
>Block G,Mbezi Beach B| 7 Nakawale Road| P.O.Box 78908| 14121 Dar es Salaam
>Lets grow together

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