You need to read the README.  You need to have some environment variables


On 1/21/13 12 :40PM, "Angelo Anolin" <> wrote:

>I haven't completely subscribed to the development of things so I need to
>ask some few questions with regards to MXML compilations.
>Previously (using Flex SDK 4.5), I compile my MXMLs like:
>mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=false FILENAME.mxml
>-output=\\MyOutputFolder -library-path+=MyComponent.swc
>I just want to ask if what's the suggested way of compiling MXMLs through
>the command line now?
>I Just tried executing the above command line and I got the error:
>Error: Unable to open '{playerglobalHome}/11.1/playerglobal.swc'
>Current SDK I am using is
>Version 4.90 Build 1425567
>Appreciate your guidance.
>Thank you.
>Kind regards,

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